Round 14

48 6 3

Question 14: What is your favorite word?


Sofia: My favorite word? *Laughs* This is a hard one. I have so many.

Guy: Take your time.


China: As I'm thinking about it, I really like to say the word "cool" a lot. But I don't think that's my favorite word. I mean, it's not that great of a word, you know? *Laughs* So I guess I don't have one.

Guy: In Black Lightning what's your favourite word?

China: Bitch.

Guy: Woah! Okay, back it up, Miss Thing!

China: *Chuckles* I feel like that's my favorite character word. It totally describes how she feel about anyone that is trying to ruin her fun and I've got so used to saying it. Shoot, I started liking it.

Guy: Wow.


Dove: *Rolls up her sleeves* I really don't know. I mean, I love saying the word "God", you know? I don't know. Most of my sentences begin with "Oh my, God" or something like that. It's just a nice word I like rolling off my tongue.

Guy: Really?

Dove: Yeah, I love words that start with the letter G. I really do.


Kellie: Peach.

Guy: Peach?

Kellie: I use it as a code word sometimes with my friends.

Guy: Peach? That's your favorite word?

Kellie: Duh. I like saying it. I like eating it. It's my favorite.

Guy: Y'all are weird.

Kellie: I am weird. I'm wonderful, energetic, intelligent, radical and daring.

Guy: ......


Sabrina: I'm not answering!

Guy: You have to-

Sabrina: I don't want to. I'm not forced to answer things I don't wanna!

Guy: Don't be a brat.

Sabrina: Don't be a bi-


Laura: I feel like I don't have a favorite word but yet I do. I love using all the words in the dictionary. I really love saying pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

Guy: Wh-

Laura: Don't ask me why. My question not yours. *Clears throat* I also love saying the word Wikipedia.

Guy: Why?

Laura: Because they are both fun to say.

Guy: But pneum-- or whatever the hell you said-- isn't a word.

Laura: *Chuckles* Oh you stupid, stupid man. Go back to school.


Sofia: ........


Sofia: *Keeps thinking*


Sofia: *Lets out a sigh and mumbles to herself* I can't think.



Sofia: *Jumps* What?!

Guy: You cannot answer this question. You took more than 3 seconds. You will be banned.

Sofia: Not fair!

Guy: You took too long to answer the question.


China: How many more rounds?

Guy: We will stop soon.

China: I just want to give a shout-out to all my China fans out there. I love my fanbase with all my heart and wish I could do more for you guys. I know I haven't met all of you but trust me, I will.

Guy: Um, okay then???


G: *Huffs and just sits there*

Thought Bubble: These questions are stupid.

G: I don't know what that sound was but nothing better not fall on me.

Guy: Oh you'll never know.

G: Do not play with me, Karl.

~~~We're gonna burn it up like rock~~~

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