Chapter One

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Lance's POV

    Frick. Lance didn't want to go to school. He just wanted to trance off into a coma or get some leisurely time at the bar to practice his flirting skills. College was supposedly a rough time for him and not everything seemed to be straightforward as it really was. Of course school relies on grades, and grades somehow predict your future but besides that, everything kinda sucked. Most of his sanity resides in his childhood friend, Hunk, who was basically 90% of his impulse control. He's an amazing friend to Lance when it came to homework. Hunk will be there for him no matter including 4am texts and eating some homemade enchiladas. Sometimes if Lance was really stressed Hunk would offer to help out when it came to homework. (Not that Lance copied off Hunk). He really was Lance's best buddy.
  Then like how we all have a person we despise, Lance couldn't get this emo kid he had to put up with. Kevin was it? Ugh, Lance really didn't want to remember him with his fluffy hair and smooth silky skin. Keith. He knew that for sure and he would recognize that mullet anywhere even if he forced himself not to. Such a stupid name if Lance says himself. Ever since day one, Lance had considered them rivals, making everything between them a competition. Being greatly jealous and everything like that. Even trivial things like seeing who could make the best macaroni and cheese for dinner. Honestly Lance liked seeing Keith riled up. And it was lowkey cute when Keith got mad. It was so fun to get on his nerves. 
    Just after the first week of school, Keith switched with Hunk making Lance's life harder. Hunk was his man. His buddy! What was he going to do without Hunk's cooking skills. Lance did not ever want to go back to relying on gas station food or cry himself to sleep before finals. He had no idea how the heck Hunk got switched, an whoever did it just put him to another year of suffering. Apparently it was either because of packed up dorms or maybe the computer malfunctioned or Hunk's name was mixed up with Keith. It wasn't so bad being stuck with Keith, it was just annoying. Greatly annoying. Lance was definitely going to survive his start of sophomore year.

"Beep! Beep!  Beep! Beep!" The alarm rang and I jolted up from my bed.

"OH FRICK! SH*T F*CK!" I banged my head on the bunk above me, waking up Keith. It was actually the sudden noise of my cussing ritual, summoning Keith to be awoken from his sleep.

  "Ugh Lance why do you cuss this much and why did you have to shout so loud Lance!" Keith shouted accusingly.

  "Dude it's not my fault the bunks are so small! And you were the one who set the alarm clock so loud. That thing could've given me a heart attack!" I screamed back.

  "Geez Lance, like you have any better plans."

  "Hey at least we didnt skip two classes in a row like last time!" I said while stretching.

  "Uh ok. Welp, I'm going to get ready. I'm hungry. I think there was some lucky charms left—"


  No way was Keith going to get the last box of my favorite cereal. At this point, I regret introducing Keith to Lucky Charms. Sometimes he mindlessly takes the cereal box without telling me and eats the whole box before I could even open the pantry. I've never seen someone so intrigued by a box of cereal. When I first showed it to him, he looked at it as if it was the first time he saw one. Even so, i found it suprising he actually liked it in the end. Who knew that kid actually liked something sweet for once.
     I sprinted out from bed, my head still aching from waking up. Attempting to pull off the sheets, Keith literally flew from the top bunk and did a freaking back flip. I had no time to throw any irritated glances so I politely shoved him out in the most brutal way. Thanks to my professional experience of siblings, I attained great knowledge in speed when it came to breakfast. It was probably the reason I was faster than Keith...but apparently only during breakfast. Keith was actually the fastest in Gym Class. He was just naturally quick overall. If I needed to go as fast as Keith, I had to have something to fuel me if I was going to be fast. And for me, food was the ultimate motivation.
   I slid under the table and went for the last and final swoop and grinned smugly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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