Chapter 5

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The old man in the elevator stared at him. His black eyes were full of judgement as he took in the appearance of the boy struggling to keep himself upright. His white t-shirt sported mysterious stains and his hair was a mess.

He reeked of bad decisions and recklessness.

The man almost snarled at him in disgust.

This caught Jungkook's attention. Frowning, he turned his head slowly to look at the wrinkled old human with his lips pulled back in a scowl and his eyes dripping with judgement. Did they know each other? He did look familiar...

"Do I know you?" Jungkook's voice came out soft and unsteady.

The older man shook his head at him patronizingly, giving the boy another once-over before speaking.

"Young man, I don't think you should be wasting your youth like this." Oldie wheezed.

Jungkook blinked, not really understanding the words tumbling out of the man's mouth. What was he even trying to say?

"Excuse me?" He voiced, genuinely curious. However, that's not what the old man's brain registered.

Scowling, the old man's form shook with anger and annoyance.

What even- Is he having a seizure?!

"Listen, kid. I'm trying to help you. This is not the time for you to get so reckless. You should be focused on studying and building up a bright future. Women will-"

Oh. Oh. So, this is what he meant. Right.

Jungkook chuckled, amused.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but you've got the wrong idea. I'm not-"

The old man dismissed his words with a wave of his wrist, mumbling something about how everyone says that. Jungkook's mouth dropped open in disbelief. This man knew nothing about him. Yet he thought he could judge him?!

Before he could say anything, the elevator dinged to a stop and the judging old human waddled his way out of the cramped space, giving the younger the stinkiest of the stink eyes.

"Kids these days..."

"Whoa hold the fuck up." The raven-haired boy finally spoke up, sticking his foot between the doors right as they were sliding close. The old man turned with a frown and narrowed eyes.

"What is it?"

Jungkook's jaw ticked but he gulped down his anger and instead, put on a sickly sweet smile.

"You're right, Sir. I shouldn't be getting into wrong things now." He bows politely but when he straightens, the smiling bunny is gone. He smirks at the older. "But there's nothing you can do about it. I suggest you mind your own business. You wouldn't want to spend the rest of your days in my cellar now, would you? Good day." He cocks an eyebrow at him, saluting at him with two fingers right as the doors slide close. The old man stands in the hall way, his eyes now wide with fear and his jaw slack. Then the doors finally close and he's all alone once again. Nothing but his thoughts for company.

What the hell? Where did that come from? He didn't even have a cellar! He collapses against the opposite wall of the elevator, his smug aura fading away.

He's just so tired... All he wants is to get inside his apartment and burrow under the warm covers. He stumbles out of the box as it dings open, his hands already fumbling for the keys in his pockets. His head is hanging low as he walks toward his apartment, swaying slightly from exhaustion.

The route from the elevator to his front door is so ingrained in his brain that he doesn't even feel the need to look up once. He's almost there, the thought of finally laying in his own bed bringing a small smile on his face when his foot hits something and he goes flying to hug the tiled floor. Landing with a thump and a groan, Jungkook pinches his eyes shut as pain shoots up his abdomen.

Oh crap.

He turns on his back before sitting up slowly.

Could this day get any worse?

His eyes scan for the object he tripped on and he finds a lone shoe in the middle of the hallway, just two doors down his own.

"Screw you." He glares at the shoe, lifting himself up and kicking at it in annoyance. It goes flying down the hall, landing near the elevator. Gripping his stomach in pain, he turns and begins to toddle to his door, wincing with each step.

He doesn't even take three steps when he stops again. His breath stutters and he squints, trying to make sure that he isn't just hallucinating. It's still there. He's not hallucinating. And he does exactly what a normal person would not do, were they in his place. Sucking in a huge breath, he opens his mouth wide and screams.

Also, I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't that good

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Also, I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't that good. It'll get better...probably.

Credit for the mood board above to my beach @reallysmallgang ❤

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Credit for the mood board above to my beach @reallysmallgang ❤

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