Chapter 18

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When night falls, Seokjin takes it upon himself to show the boys the way out. Not because he doesn't want them to stay or doesn't enjoy the company but because he's the oldest and doesn't want them driving home at 2am.

Seokjin knocks lightly on each door, signalling them that it's time to wake up from their untimely nap. When he gets to Namjoon who's sprawled unceremoniously on the couch with his lanky limbs dangling off the edge, he sighs. If left to Namjoon, he'd probably never kick anyone out of his house because of his soft heart and that is why every time the younger male has people over, Seokjin has to take up the role of the bad cop and ask everyone to leave.

"Yah, Namjoon-ah." Seokjin lightly pokes the other's ribs with the tip of his shoe but receives nothing but a grunt in response.

The elder rolls his eyes and nudges the sleeping man once more, this time a bit harder. Namjoon groans in frustration, swatting at the elder's intrusive foot and turns the other way, burying his face in the soft and warm comfort of the couch.

"Few more minutes, hyung," he mumbles, shifting to make himself comfortable before falling asleep again.

Seokjin is aware that the younger's 'few more minutes' can stretch into hours so he grips the boy's limp arm and hoists him up, ignoring the boy's groans of protests.

Namjoon glares at the man in front of him with his sleepy, half-lidded eyes, "Hyung, please!"

He's really tired and still quite drunk and the bright fluorescent light hurts his eyes. He can feel the beginning of a massive headache right behind his eyes and he wants nothing more than to curl up in the dark and sleep for however long he can.

"Joon-ah, you can go back to sleep after we drop the boys off, okay?" Seokjin says, still holding onto the male's arm and lowering his neck to look into his sleepy eyes.

He finds it adorable the way Namjoon pouts, contemplating the offer before nodding in agreement. He yawns and Seokjin lets go of his arm as he stretches his limbs.

"Alright. What time is it anyway?" Namjoon asks, smacking his lips, and reaches back to scratch his nape.

Seokjin bites his lip to keep himself from cooing at how absolutely adorable the younger was.

"Close to 11." He replies, "I made some coffee. It's on the kitchen table. Freshen up and I'll go wake the boys."

Namjoon nods grumpily and Seokjin watches him waddle into the kitchen, barely avoiding walking into a wall, before he leaves to go wake the boys up, a smile etched on his face.

Seokjin decides that waking up five grumpy boys, half of them still under the influence of alcohol, was not something he enjoyed. He barely avoids Yoongi's sleepy punches and has to stop himself from scooping Jimin into his arms, bundle him up in the warmest blankets available and run away into the woods when the pink-haired boy whines cutely to be left alone. He almost relents but then one of Yoongi's fists connects with his ribs and he steels himself and drags the two out of bed.

Jungkook is no better. He has to bend and twist himself to escape the boy's flailing limbs as Seokjin lifts the boy up and carries him all the way to the couch. Hoseok is already seated beside Jimin, his head resting on the younger's shoulder as he watches Jungkook being dumped beside Yoongi.

Seokjin does a quick headcount, furrowing his eyebrows, "One, two, three, four- Four?! Who's missing?"

"Taehyungie?" Jimin calls out sleepily and Seokjin's eyes widen.

"Oh, that's right. Taehyung isn't here... But wasn't he with Jungkook?"

He looks at Jungkook for an explanation and groans when he finds the boy already sleeping again.

"No, no, he was in Joon hyung's room," Jimin sits up slightly, causing Hoseok to whine and cling onto him. "Yah, get off me, hyung!"

Seokjin ignores the two and lightly glares at Yoongi in warning who was about to push Jungkook off the couch, "Don't do it, Yoongi-ah."

He calls for Namjoon, not trusting the four boys alone. "Watch them while I go get Taehyungie, okay?"

He doesn't wait for a reply as he starts towards Namjoon's room.

Seokjin finds the blond curled on the bed, only the top of his head peeking out of the blankets he had buried himself into.

"Taehyungie? Come on, get up. Time to go home," he walks to the edge of the bed and sits beside the younger, gently running his fingers through the boy's greasy hair. Seokjin scrunches his nose and wonders how long it had been since the boy's last shower for his hair to get so dirty.

Taehyung groans as his eyes flutter open and it takes him more than a minute to get his bearings as he blearily stares at the elder boy. "Jin hyung?"

"Yeah, it's me. Come on, the rest of the boy's are waiting for you. It's getting late so Joon and I will drop you guys home." Seokjin explains, smiling down at the confused boy.

Taehyung nods as he struggles to get out of the blanket-burrito. He feels extremely flustered as his arms get stuck and he has to ask the other boy for help. Seokjin chuckles good naturedly as he helps the boy out of the mess and holds his hands like he's a little baby who needs to be cared for as he's led out of the room.

Seokjin finds Namjoon trying to get Jungkook back on the couch and Yoongi smirking devilishly. He sighs but doesn't comment on it; he's too tired to do anything but concentrate on getting the boys home now.

So after a full hour, Seokjin and Namjoon manage to round the boys up, all in various degrees of sleep and grumpiness, and get them inside Namjoon's mini-van. It takes them another thirty minutes to drop each of them off and another ten minutes to drive back to Namjoon's house. It's close to 2 am by the time they make it inside the house. Namjoon is as good as dead as he drags Seokjin and himself to his room, not even bothering to take off their jackets before they crash into the warm, unmade bed and snuggle under the sheets, holding onto each other as they finally fall asleep.

A/N- Okay so this is it for now! Sorry for the spam!~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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