Chapter 16

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Im sorry that this chapter is not that great and I'm sorry for also being late. But AP exams are coming up and I'm really really gonna explode.
I'm sorry if there are any mistakes I didn't edit it.

"Yoongi?" I asked still not believing what I just heard.

"Yeah, his my brother, well adoptive brother, no one really knows a lot about it, we try to keep it low profile but it looks like he finally wants to come out," Jae Joong said.

"Look, I think there is a misunderstanding here,"

"What'd you mean?"

"That day, it wasn't yoongi who came to my fathers house, it was Jimin,"


"Yeah, he's my dad," Sungwoon jumped in.

"Oh, ummm, I didn't- I'm sorry I should've asked if it will be okay to do this,"

"Don't worry, it looked like my father already planned all this before hand," he relaxed a bit. Either way, my father would have found a way to get us married. But now what? What'd I do?

"Listen, I have to go now, do you want me to drop you off?" Jae Joong asked as he put his phone in his pocket. I nodded as I got up along with sungwoon. Jae Joong decided to pay for my phone to get fixed even though it wasn't him who broke it. I still can't figure out who it was. But I'm sure that person looked familiar, really familiar. I thought more into it as I was recalling the scene in my mind. Those lips, jaw, body, and hands, I know I've seen them before. Is it—-

"Hello?" I answered the phone after it rang getting me out of my thoughts.

We reached home after Jae Joong dropped us off. I was in the kitchen making dinner as sungwoon was watching his new favorite kids show. Something about transportation—no I thing it was transformers. I don't really know, he has so many shows that are his "favorites" that I lost count of how many he watches a day along with their names.

"MinJi?" The other line answered. I froze completely not able to even move as the spoon in my hand fell onto the counter making sungwoon look towards me.

"Hello? Look, MinJi, I need help, please you're the only one that can help me,"

"Y-Yoongi?" I finally answered. I was still frozen and shocked due to the sudden call.

"Yeah, it's me. Look I know we haven't met in a long time but I really really need your help, please?"

"W-What is it? Yoongi you're scaring me"

"Just say if you'll help me or not"

"I will, of course I will, no matter what it is, where are you?"

"In front of your apartment,"

"WHAT!" I yelled out and went running towards the door ignoring a,now, surprised sungwoon. I opened the door to see a worried Yoongi who pushed me in and closed the door behind.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried. A couple of seconds later I heard footsteps running around. Yoongi looked at me in the eye as I felt all the worries in his face disappear.

"Mom, who is he?" Sungwoon asked bring our attention back to him.

"Ummm, hi I'm Yoongi, an old friend of your...." Yoongi looked at me waiting to continue the sentence for him. I was still blanked out, I mean come on the guy that was my, I guess "pretend" boyfriend and my best friend was in front of me after five years. And now he comes to me looking for help as what appeared like some people looking for him. 

"Mom," I answered. It quickly showed on Yoongi's face, the surprise and unbelievably look mixed with some sadness. I saw it for a pref second, the sadness was in his little dark brown eyes but they quickly disappeared as confusion took over it. How am I gonna tell this to yoongi? Best friend of jimin, the father of this baby. He'll feel more betrayed then when he found out about us. I'm sure the second the name goes out Yoongi will want to kill jimin and eat him in flesh. I'm not exaggerating, he is Min YoonGi after all, the bad boy gang leader. He won't just kill him because it was jimin, it will also be because he just impregnated his best friend at 15 and it was the reason she left.

"Okay, umm, did you just say mom?" He asked not believing. Sungwoon nodded his head like it was nothing. I on the other hand was nervous and my blood just froze, I'm pretty sure my whole organs stopped working.

"My best friend, the girl I used to love, has a son and never told me about? Not to mention ran away and never contact m—no, us?" Yoongi asked as his eyes were looking right through me waiting for answers.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything but what's going on that you needed my help? You kinda scared me you know," I asked trying to change the subject as best as I can. Yoongi looked at me and back to sungwoon. "Okay, you'll tell me later but I can't tell you anything about me,"

"Why not? Are you in that big of a trouble?" I asked as we took a seat at the coach with me sitting in fort of him at the wooden small coffee table. Sungwoon was just sitting on the floor looking back and forth between Yoongi and I—cute— trying to find out what's going on. This little guy, just like his father.

"OH MY GOD!" I suddenly remembered.

"What?!" Yoongi asked surprised and worried. I forgot about Jimin! He called and said he's on his way here. What am I going to do? He can't see Yoongi here—actually none should see each other. A big problem will occur. How could I forget about Jimin!!?

"You need to get out now!" I said and pushed as I was pushing Yoongi towards the door. He moved to the side as I was pushing him and faced me. "Why are you kicking me out all of the sudden?" He asked. I ignored his question and went back to pushing him. Just when I was near it, Jimin came in.

"Dad!" Sungwoon yelled as soon as he saw Jimin. But me and Yoongi along with Jimin were frozen in our places. No one moved a muscle or even blanked. What's going to happen? Please don't let them fight again, I don't want anything to happen again after all those years. Their friendship is already broke, I don't wanna it to be more broken than it already is.

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