Chapter 20

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Not edited! I just wanted to post fast so sorry for any errors.

"Jae Joong!" He stopped walking and faced his father that was sitting on the white couch in their living room. "What in earth is going on here?! What's this news? And why didn't I know about it?"

He slammed the newspaper onto the coffee table in front of him. His eyes focused on Jae Joong, he stood up and stopped in front of him. "Young man, you better answer me a straight answer or everything you've been working on will be swiped away from your little fingers," Mr. Kim had enough with all the problems, he just wants to retire peacefully.

"I'm sorry sir," Jae Joong had nothing else to say but apologize. Thoughts going in his heads about Yoongi coming back.

"After all those years, why now?" He whispered to himself.

"What?" His dad asked.

"No, nothing. Dad, I'm sorry about what happened it wasn't right of me to go and do that,"

"This is your last chance son, if I don't see increased profits by the end of this month, you know who the company will go to," Mr.Kim said and walked out of the living room towards his office.

Jae Joong hands were turning white due to how hard he was pushing his fingers into his skin in a fist manner. "MIN YOONGI!!" He screamed and pushed the decorations on the coffee table to the floor.  The look in his eyes changed to that of a killer, filled with anger and madness ready to take on his prey.


"Min Yoongi?"

Yoongi and I turned around to see a young guy, around our age, who had a knife tattooed on his lower arm near his hand. "Yeah?" Yoongi's cold side appeared.

"Umm, I was about to ask you what happened but," he nodded towards me. "I think I got my answer," he added with a smirk on his face.

"That's your girlfriend I presume? The one that is rumored to be cheating on you?"

My eyes widened going into shock. But Yoongi stood their with no change of emotions what so ever. How did the word get out? No one knows anything thing except for the inner gang. My head going into theories about who told and the outcome of this was gonna be. Non ended right. In all Jimin was kicked out or beaten as a punishment.

"What makes you so sure?" Yoongi asked.

"You know I have my ways too Yoongi, don't forget that," he threw a bunch of photos at us. I took one into my hand to see me and Jimin kissing. "Oh my god!!!" My eyes widened as I looked at Yoongi who picked out another. It was me and Jimin hugging. I remember that day. I was crying so hard because that evil witch beat me up that day...

"Yoongi," I looked at him trying to hear something, but no response. The picture in his hand was thrown away as he looked back to that guy.

"Don't worry, I won't show them to anyone as long as you do what we agreed on min Yoongi," 

"Oh don't worry," a creepy smile on his face. "I knew this already," Yoongi added. He looked at me and dragged me from my head. "This little girl here, is getting punishment," I jerked towards him as he pulled on my hair, a scream left my mouth.

"It was planed way before you came, I'm not that shallow you know," Yoongi faced me as he moved my  head to face him. I screamed again and looked into his eyes. I knew those eyes, those apologizing eyes. I slowly blinked showing that it is okay, I'm fine.

"Come with me bitch," he continued and dragged me towards a room. The other guy followed with a shocked face as he saw what Yoongi was doing to me.

Rule number three, a leader must have a queen that will stand by his side and support him till the end. If the queen went against the rules, the leader will have to bring her to shame or take on the name that he was defeated by a girl.

"I, Min Yoongi, will not lose to a girl," everyone in that room was now looking at us. They were gang leaders that were having a meeting. Yoongi was here to get new supplies for the south side of his gang. But also, it was a plan to shame me in front of all of them to get his power back before anything happens. Like what that guy just did with the pictures. We can't have words flying around it'll bring the gang down. 

Another pull on my hair and I screamed. "Shut up!" He threw me in the floor. Yoongi crouched down to meet my eyes. "You are no longer a part of BTS and are banned to ever join any other gang or be a part of the underworld," his eyes was glossy due to the tears forming but he held them down as his hand came in contact with my face. A stink rang through my whole left cheek as it became a dark shade of pink. It had to be believable, we couldn't take chances of faking it.

He took me from my hair again and made me stand up. "This girl her is no longer anything of any value, if I see anyone of you trying to get her into your gang, than your asking for a war," with that Yoongi threw me on the floor again and walked passed me. He took a seat in one of the chairs that were surrounding the table.

I was about to get up with these " waiters" helping me up but Jimin came in. "Min Yoongi," he yelled as soon as he saw me on the floor. "Oh my god, MinJi you alright?" I nodded and was about to tell him to quickly get out but he stood up. "What the hell yoongi, she was once the girl you loved, we were friends!" Jimin yelled with anger. I could see the veins in his hand as his fist became a shade of dark pink to red due to anger. "Take them out," Yoongi said with no emotions what so ever. But I knew he acting.

With one word, all those bodyguards dressed as waiters came towards us and dragged us out. Jimin was about to go and hit Yoongi but I stopped him as my hand touched his fits calming him down. I shook my head in a no, as tears came down.

"Get away from her!" He yelled at all the waiters who were trying to get me up and out of the room. With one slip, I was in Jimin's arms and out of that room.

End of flashback


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