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Marie Cousins P.O.V
The drive back to the hotel was weird, as I could barley focus on the road in front of me, due to my mind being too busy with thoughts of Georgie. I was so glad he remembered that he said he loved me. It was the needle that had the thread to mend one million holes in my heart that never seemed to go away. I should have married him instead of my two bitter exes how shall not be named.


I cuddled myself up in the covers and turned the t.v on. I could barley keep my eyes open, so I ended up just using the television as background noise as I drifted off to sleep.

You're pretty quiet." Georgie observed.

"Yeah sorry about that." I relied mixing my slurpee around with the straw.

"Everything okay?"


"Okay I might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I know there's somethin bugging you."

"No I'm fine."

"No ya ain't."

"You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."
We sat on the curb, and I stopped mixing my slurpee.

"Seriously what's wrong?" Georgie asked taking a long sip from his slurpee.

"I miss summer is all."


"It was just the best summer ever. Everything good that happened to me, was that summer."

"You're right I don't understand."

"It's stupid anyways." I said and looked down to the ground.

"I'm sure it's not."

"Okay fine you really want to know?"


"Okay fine. So in the summer I started dating this guy named Codey Haynes. We spent every hour together. In his beach house, or swimming in the river. Then one day, he moved away, and we broke it off. I knew it wasn't gong to work out. Now he's got a new girlfriend and he's pretending like we were never together. And everything I do reminds me of him, and Kim is being all hard on me saying I need to move on but I just can't seem to because I can't help thinking that there's nobody else out there for me that he's the only one and she keeps asking if I've kissed you yet and-"

My rant got interrupted by Georgie's lips on mine.

"Sorry I can't believe I just did that it was bad timing." Georgie said blushing.

I was in complete shock.

"Bad timing, but it was a nice kiss."

"Wait really?"

I opened my eyes in confusion, and I realized I was just dreaming. One of those flashback dreams. I heard my phone go off, and I didn't recognize the number.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

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