The year is 2018. Sheldon Cooper is about to take a step in his life he never thought he would take. He is getting married, to Amy Farrah-Fowler.
Marie Cousins lives in Portland, and works as a consular. She's been divorced twice, and is about read...
After we arrived at Sheldon's apartment, we walked in just to say a quick hello before leaving Pasenda. After all, we're staying in Portland for a few days before driving back to Texas.
"Good luck with the marriage. Come and see us sometime." Penny said and gave me a big hug.
"Bye Sheldon." I said quietly and gave him a quick hug. I shook Amy's hand and started out the door.
"Bye guys!" I said and headed out the door.
I parked my car outside of my house, and Georgie pulled his truck up soon after.
"Nice place." He said as he admired my home.
"Thanks." I smiled.
"Where do you want to get married?" Georgie suddenly asked as we sat ourselves down on the couch.
"I don't know. It's late right now I can't think about any big plans." Georgie rolled his eyes and placed his arm around my shoulder.
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