Marie Cousins P.O.V
The text was from my ex husband. I have never been more confused in my entire life. I decided to ignore the text, it's probably going to be words I'd heard from a guy millions of times, that would cause my head to explode if I ever heard them again, probably due to my "mess up once you broke the ice that was already thin when you were walking on it" attitude. Besides if Georgie ever found out I was texting my ex husband, I don't even want to imagine what that would put him through, and what it would do to our relationship. I set the phone in my purse, and walked to the door in response to hearing someone knock on it. I opened it to see Georgie's smiling face greet me."Hey." I said to him as he stepped into my hotel room.
"You okay? You look a little down." Georgie noticed upon hearing my tone of voice that I used when I greeted him.
"Yeah I'm fine." I said quickly as I searched for the t.v remote.
"Well whatever you say." Georgie clearly didn't believe me, but I didn't feel like getting into any drama right now, especially when it involved someone who I used to dedicate my heart and soul to.
"Wanna watch t.v?" I figured this was a causal question people always asked to avoid conversations they had no interest in being a part of. At least that's what I've found over my years of living.
"I guess." Georgie replied, handing me my phone as he walked by.
I clicked my phone on, and saw my ex had texted me again.
Did he look through my phone? Doesn't he trust me? Well I guess I was acting pretty weird.
SO DRAMAPs I might not be able to update tomorrow I'm really busy but we'll see ;)

Seeing You Again || Georgie Cooper (completed)
FanfictionThe year is 2018. Sheldon Cooper is about to take a step in his life he never thought he would take. He is getting married, to Amy Farrah-Fowler. Marie Cousins lives in Portland, and works as a consular. She's been divorced twice, and is about read...