Chapter 18

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"Ok, why do you think he has a crush on me?" Dipper asked, finally giving up to his curiosity, that grew inside him by each second of the silent ride, silent except for the loud music playing on the radio.

Mabel smiled. "Oh, so now you're interested?"

"Just answer me!" He insisted giggling.

"Why do you keep going back to this topic? After philosophically staring at the window for five minutes?"

"Because you got me curious?"

"Yeah, right," she laughed, "It's because you're starting to realize it makes sense! You want me to tell you, so you can pay attention to it"

"No way," Dipper shook his head, chuckling.

"Yeah!" She made a pause, shook her head, turned the volume of the music down a little, and grinned, "So, there's the way he looks at you"

"Can you be any more objective in your explanations?"

"Why? Are you taking notes to study? Just listen, ok! There's the way he looks at you, and it's so cute," she made another pause, thinking about the right words to explain what only eyes could see, and only the perception of a sister could capture, "He looks at you as if he's so worried something bad will happen to you, like, any time! Even in stupid little things. Like, he watches you making yourself a cup of coffee, and he's worried you might burn yourself"

"Well, I'm sorry, accidents just really seem to like me," he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, yeah, sure," she giggled once again, "He seems to care about you, a freaking lot. He takes care of you when you can't sleep. He watches those terrible alien documentaries with you. He doesn't call you a maniac when you start talking about your crazy theories"

"I'm not a maniac!" The boy protested, as his sister shrugged.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, bro-bro. Uh, what else? It's like, his day gets better just by knowing you're alright"

"That's creepy"

"It wasn't supposed to sound creepy, it was supposed to sound cute"

"It's called friendship"

"It's called falling in love with your best friend," she made a pause, "It usually fucks everyone up, but not in this case"

"Why is this case any different?"

"Are you admitting he loves you?"

"No, I'm just asking," he smiled, getting a little frustrated about the entirety of the conversation. You see, he didn't truly know why he was so interested in that topic, or why it was catching his attention so weirdly. It simply was. And when something catches Dipper's attention, he looses hours of sleep on thinking about it.

"It's different because you like him back"

"Ok, enough of this topic, it's just getting weird," he laughed loudly, "Look, do you really think you know more about my emotions than I do?"

"I guess you could say so," she smiled mockingly, even proudly you could say, "It's a sister thing"

"It's not a sister thing, it's just creepy!" He paused, thought about lightly pushing her, but it wasn't a good idea. Hitchhiking with Mabel was already an emotional trip, since the girl didn't seem to have a clear idea of what she was doing, and the only obvious thing was that, someone in heaven really did like those twins. Dipper shook his head, "If I were in love with him, and he in love with me, I'd know. Trust me," something in such small sentenced sounded awfully wrong.

He philosophically stared out of the window, focusing his look in somewhere eyes couldn't truly reach, and trying to enter his mind, to figure what about that entire situation was such worthy of his thought.

Dipper was terribly sure that, if he was ever in love with someone, he'd certainly know it. Even, if life had already proved that theory wrong many, many times to the boy. He was still faithful about it. He needed the feeling that he had entire control over his life, specially because he didn't, and he had never had.

What if he couldn't tell? What if he convinced himself Wirt loved him, only to discover the opposite? It could be another Mabel misconception of reality, those were quite frequent.

On other hand, there was always the possibility his sister was absolutely right.

And that idea was what scared him the most.


Haven't updated in ages, I know, and I sincerely apologize. But don't blame me, blame high school! I promise more chapters soon. I'll upload a cute one, full of emotions, on my birthday! March, 19th. So be waiting for it!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed it <3

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