Losing time |15|

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| Strong Language |


February 15th, 2018
Time:   9:58pm

"I'm really sorry." Logan apologized.

I closed my book, the cover of it reading 'Eclipse'. I smiled at him briefly, unsure of why he was apologizing.

"What are you sorry for?" I replied quizzically.

He hesitated, briefly parting his mouth, then shutting it.

I smiled wearily. Standing up from my seated position, I walked over to Logan, standing beside his desk in the office.

He looked away from me to Pancake, who was in his tank, spinning his chair in my direction.

I grinned at him sympathetically, deciding to sit on his lap.

I plopped my pink-womens-performance shorted bottom on his white-joggered-lap.

He looked into my eyes with purity and confusion.

"Talk to me. Why are you sorry?" I asked in a mellow tone.

He huffed quietly, clenching his jaw afterward.

"I'm sorry for the paprazzi, I'm sorry for the criticism and bombardment of my fans." He elaborated ashamed.

I smiled again, stroking his cheek tenderly.

"It's nothing I can't handle--"

He moved his head away from my gentle hand.

"No, it's not. You don't understand Ana, you haven't been in my situation--you've never been in my life." He objected, trying to explain.

"Logan, I'm in your life right now..." I folded my arms distancing myself from him, still remaining on his lap. I scoffed, "aren't I?"

"Of course," He said defensively. "I just mean you've never experienced what my life is like." He concluded with a slight sense of relief after explaining himself.

"Logan, I have been for the past three months!" I exclaimed getting off of his lap.

His hands lingered on my waist before going limp on his legs.

"Have you been so OBLIVIOUS to realize I've been here with you at your best and worse?" I listed aggravated and frustrated.

He sat quiet, parting his mouth briefly again, then shutting it altogether.

"Oh my god, do you really have nothing to say?" I asked softer, hurt echoing in my voice.

He shook his head, his hair fluffing up at the sudden movement.

"I have noticed, okay? But I don't necessarily like you seeing me at my worst. It--It," He became flustered.

"What... makes you feel less of a man?" I intruded, He sighed hesitantly again.

"Yes.." He murmured sadly.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes walking around the desk. I was now on the opposite side of his desk. He had swiveled his chair to follow my direction.

I bent over my arms at most a yard apart from one another as I leaned on the front of his desk.

"Why..." I laughed almost insanely. "Why can't you see that when you show me yourself at your worst, like when you cry or shout when you're upset, you are so much of man it's hard to comprehend or--or put into words." I praised him. "Why can't that be enough?" I resumed my upset and confused demeanor I had once held.

OBLIVIOUS  |  FanFic:  Logan Paul |Where stories live. Discover now