Getting to know the boys

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"Host club? Isn't that where attractive boys meet up to tend to females sexual desires?" I ask in confusion.

After saying this Hikaru starts coughing out of absolutely no where, Kaoru almost face plants onto the tiled floor, tall silent dude covers short Lolita kids ears, the cross dresser stifles a laugh, cute boy with glasses smirks to himself, and over dramatic blondie goes back to his corner.

"Is this normal?" I ask the cross dresser.

"Pretty much." She shrugs.

Hm, I like her, she seems chill.

"Ms. Fujioka, yes, you are on the right track when you said we tend to females desires, but the desires we tend to aren't exactly sexual per se." Glasses explains to me.

"Ah, okay." I say pretending to understand.

Hikaru slowly gets down to my ear level and whispers quietly, "But I can tend to your sexual desires anytime."

"Ah ha, ha, ha, No." I say backing away from *cough* Crustaru *cough*

"Hm, your loss." Crustaru shrugs.

"Anyways, are you the king of this place of something?" I say looking at the over dramatic blondie.

After saying this he practically shoots up and lands in front of me (to my displeasure)

"Why yes princess! I am King Tamaki Suoh!" Tamaki yells out.

"Suoh? Are you the headmasters son?" I ask slowly.

"Yup!" Suoh says overjoyed.

"Oh." I say, really wanting to scream and rampage at the fact that I have to be kind to this idiot or no school for me, yay.

"Are you the new honor student Y/N Fujioka?" Tamaki asks getting way to close for comfort.

"Um, yeah, that's me." I say backing away by a few steps so I could get back into my zone of space.

"Are you related to Haruhi in any way?!" Suoh suddenly gasps.

"As far as I'm sure, no I'm not related to her." I say looking at what I'm wearing then looking at Haruhi's clothing.

"Her?!" Kaoru, Crustaru, and Tamaki yell in shock.

"Yeah, her, I mean, she may be crossdressing but it's not really fooling me." I say stating the obvious.

"Wait a minute," I start, "is she another host for your club and all the girls are thinking that she's actually a guy but in reality she's actually a female that's probably working here to pay off a debt or something?"

"Momma..." Tamaki wheezes, pointing at four eyes.

"Ms. Fujioka." Glasses says.

"Yes four eyes?" I respond.

After calling him four eyes all of the hosts look at me in shock and terror.

"What? I'm just calling him what he is." I state.

The rest of the hosts continue to look at me with shock and terror, but four eyes has a very mischievous look on his face.

"Do you know who I am?" Four eyes asks calmly.

"No, but you look like a smartass." I say in confidence.

"Y/N, my father has a police force of over one hundred soldiers, I will-."

"You will what? Run to your father like a little baby and say that the new student was being a big meanie?" I ask half sarcastic half serious.

Four eyes looks a bit shocked after hearing my snide response, but soon shakes it off and pushes his glasses higher up his nose.

"Y/N, if I'm not mistaken, you come from a low class family, you are very lucky to even get the opportunity to step a single foot into our magnificent school and to associate with high class people such as ourselves, aren't I right, commoner?"

"You know what? You can do us all the favor of shutting your fucking trap you dirty bastard. Just because I'm what you call a 'commoner' doesn't really make me different from all of you. If you really think about it, I'm the more sensible one here in this situation because i don't use my wealth as an excuse to do whatever the hell I want to, you know why? Because I have common sense. And don't you think so highly of yourself and the other hosts, because last time I checked, Haruhi is also a commoner just like I am." I state in full rage.

Now four eyes shuts his mouth but Tamaki decides to talk instead.

"Y-Y/n, did you s-swear?" Tamaki asks.

"Do you not?" I ask innocently.

"Of course not! It's not attractive at all!" Suoh exclaims.

"Then swearing shouldn't be hard for you! I mean, you already got the unattractive part down." I say clasping my hands together.

Once I say this Haruhi bursts out laughing and holds on to my shoulder for support while I'm just there proudly smirking at the boy growing mushrooms.

"You three seem like the type of people I'd wanna get to know better, can I request you?" I ask gesturing to tall silent dude, Lolita kid, and Haruhi.

"Okay Y/n-Chan!" Lolita kid says motioning for the three of us to come join him.

"Okay, so you all seem like the type of people I'd hang out with so, I already know Haruhi's name, can I know both of your names?" I ask politely.

"Sure thing! My name is Mitsukuni Haninozuka, but you can call my Hunny! And this is Takashi Morinozuka, but you can call him Mori!" Hunny says happily.

I laugh a bit before responding, "Thank you Hunny-Senpai, and it's nice to meet you Mori-Senpai." I say nodding my head in his direction.

"Wait, quick question. Why are you being so polite to us?" Haruhi asks.

"Well, I'm nice to the people who seem well rounded, humorous, and good to talk to. Others, I tend to annoy them just for fun because sometimes their ego gets involved and it becomes pretty funny watching them act like idiots, also, you three seem like the most normal ones in the club of yours." I say stating the truth.

"Well, I'd like to talk more, but it's time for me to have my cake!" Hunny says tugging Mori along with him.

"Well, it's time for me to go, it was nice meeting you Haruhi, if you want me to drop by here just give me a holler." I say walking towards the door of the club.

"Wait Y/n! How did you know Hunny-Senpai is older than us?" Hikaru asks.

The other hosts are by the door as well waiting for my response.

I grab the handle of the door and open it before turning my head slightly and saying with a smirk, "I have my ways." Then leaving, closing the door on seven dumbfounded,
attractive hosts.

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