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Trixie POV

"Fuck. Shit. Fuck." I mutter, pulling my shoes on my feet. I wanted to do it tonight. While we were alone and on good terms and were in the middle of all our lovely feelings towards each other. I was planning on running out to get an engagement band for him. I was going to do it tonight, without any hesitation or any distractions.

Well, there was always one.

My phone buzzed. I look down at it.

Chris - hey :)

See! We weren't even having a conversation, yet he knows when to message me and make me feel weird.

No, Brian. Just no. You love Brian more than anyone. Brian is the love of your life. Stop being an idiot and stop fucking things up. Fuck.

I ignored the message. I'm dumb, but not that dumb. I hope i'm not that dumb anyway.

Someone knocked on our hotel door, i open it as i pull my coat over myself. Brian was in Danny's room, so i was hoping it wasn't him or Danny.

Luckily, i open the door and see Shane standing there. "Hey, do you- Oh. Are you going somewhere?" He looks up and down at me. I was dressed with my jacket and shoes on.

"Erm..." I start, i didn't know what to say. Maybe it would be good to tell someone. Have someone be with Brian while i carry out my plan. "Yes. I'm going to get an engagement ring."

"A... A what?" Shane eyes widen. "For who? For me? For Danny? Do not tell me you're-"

"-I am. I'm going to propose to Brian." I smile. I liked saying that.

His hands cover his mouth. "Fuck you bitch. No you are not you trick ass bitch shut the fuck up." He cries. He starts jumping up and down in the hall. I pull him inside the hotel room and close the door.

"Oh my god! Sh!" I slap my hand against his mouth. "They're only next door."

I hear a muffled "Okay sorry." Come from him. I let go. "I can't believe it." He says, very shocked. "When are you going to do it?" He asks. He was looking up at me completely dumbfounded. That excited me.

"Tonight. On stage. He's gonna come on stage and sit on a chair in the middle and i'm going to say all the things i've wanted to say to him since i met him and i'm going to ask him. 'Brian, will you marry me?" A sudden nervous feeling took over me but i loved it. I was so ready. "Brian and I were supposed to pick up Jo from Connecticut tomorrow but i told Christian and he bought her ticket, she's on a flight right now. I want her to be there. Oh my god i'm so excited."

"I can't believe it. I'm so... I'm so happy for you." He hugs me. "Is there anything i can do to help?" He asks when we let go.

"Yes, please. Could you just keep him here? If he asks where i am just say i've gone to buy some stuff for Jo. It's her birthday next weekend so he'll buy that. And also tonight. Could you and Danny help me with that? It's super corny but i'm gonna buy some confetti canons and stuff, so when she doesn't say no," I run towards a wooden table and tap it, "if you guys could, you know, shoot them into the air or whatever. Make it super special."

"Yes. Of course." It's silent for a few seconds, "I'm so happy. You're going to be so happy together." He hugs me again.

I smile. I'm so happy.

I had bought the ring, i had got all the theatrics, i was now going back to the hotel. I had 2 hours to spare, which meant i could get ready without rushing.

When i made it back to the hotel, Brian was sitting in our room. "Hey! Where have you been?" He kisses me.

"Nowhere. Just bought some stuff for Jo's party next week." I shake the bag of confetti canons and things in front of him.

"Why from here?"

I shrug. "I don't know, just thought i'd make myself busy."

He has started to get ready by this point. He was in the middle of his makeup. Everything has started to become so real and i was so ready.

I was apparently smiling widely to myself. "What you thinking about?" He chuckles, watching as i grin.

"You, of course." I lean down to kiss him. I was so fucking ready man.

I was ready to marry Brian and be his forever. I used to think it was dumb. Marriage and love. What was the point? Seeing all the bad relationships out there. Not even romantic ones. Every relationship. Not every worked out.  But with Brian... oh man with Brian. It was perfect. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with. If i wasn't good to him or if i didn't treat him right then i'm not the man i thought i was or the man i want to be. I want to marry this man. I want to- no i need to spend every second of the rest of my life with him.

short ch!! i want the next ch to be special.

i love trix so much it's just a joke at this point. i can't believe she won i've never been so happy before in my life. i'm also currently listening to one stone and crying. i love her SO much.

also ong katyas back bitch!! i'm so happy! i don't want to assume she's all better but i rlly hope her mental and physical health is better now. i love her so much wow <333 okay bye guys see u soon i'm hoping to post the proposal today wish me luck.

Ten years- sequel to 'otp' {trixya}Where stories live. Discover now