Chapter 1| Post

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Bird's chirping, but the London sky still cloudy and the air still crisp. I love this, the goosebumps I get when I feel the cool breeze hit my body thought the window. I sat in the bay window watching other kids play and enjoying my last day of freedom. I saw many other kids walk up to the others and make them run off. It was some kid with a chunky body and greased hair.
He yelled and told them to leave , he ever dared to call them peasants. Of course I wold never do anything but I was very upset at the society us humans have come to. I watched the boy, I saw he began to grab one of the kids by the collar. I was fuming with anger I put my fists into tight balls. I began to calm down when I saw the boy let go of the kid.
He clenched his hand and started to scream. He fell on his knees. I could see his hands looked like they were burning. They were very red and looked like they had calluses all over them. I closed the curtains to the window and walked into the dining room where Hermione and Mom were cooking breakfast.
"Hey, we're making toast if you want some, also mom is making some eggs and bacon" Hermione said excited. "Sure, Thank you" I said. "Darling, lay out the plates while we finish up, then you can get dressed" mom said. "Yes ma'am" I said grabbing the cutlery, plates, and napkins. I headed up stairs to mine and Hermione's room.
I changed into a black top and some blue jeans, and threw on some boots and a beanie. I brushed my (H/C) Hair as it laid perfectly on my shoulders. "Breakfast!!" Hermione said. I ran downstairs and on my way down I saw the post in the floor. I picked it up and saw that Hermione and I both had letters.
"Here are some letters from the post, that's for you Hermione" I said pointing to the envelope with the red stamp in the back. Before I opened mine I read the text in the front.
ms. (Y/n) Granger
The Bedroom at the top of the stairs
8 Heathgate
Hampstead Garden Suburb
On the Back it read:
Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry
"This must be a joke" I said laughing. "School for wizards and witches, yeah right very funny". "Actually it's true, your relatives are wizards, we thought maybe it would skip you but we always knew Hermione would get it" Mom said. I always knew mom loved Hermione more, maybe she didn't see it but I did. She praised her in everything she did.
"Thanks mom" she said smiling ear to ear. "Yeah Thanks" i said stabbing my food with my fork. "You're welcome honey, Y/N before you pack I want to clean the dishes" mom said leaving the table. I did the dishes and packed up everything. I mostly packed clothes seeing as I didn't have as much as Hermione did.
To be honest I don't even think we're are actually sisters. I look nothing like any of them and I'm not treated the same as Hermione. "What're you thinking about?" Hermione asked. "Oh, nothing just what wizardry is like" I lied. " me too, tomorrow morning we will go shopping for supplies and then go to Hogwarts.
"Okay, that sounds cool" I said. "Better get rest because we're getting up at 6 AM , you have 12 hours to sleep, good night Y/N" she said heading to bed. I sat my suitcase on the floor and my journal on my nightstand and drifted off to sleep.
"Wake Up! Wake up! We're about to leave you've got like 30 minutes" Hermione yelled. I sat up and ran brushed my hair and teeth,  I would've straightened my hair but that takes about 30 minutes itself. I threw on random clothes and ran down the stairs. "Okay I'm done!!!" I said out of breath. I ran into the car and then we headed to a place called Diagon Alley.
We picked up books and robes and wands, I got decent things and I was happy about that. Then we headed to the station. 9 3/4 was our platform. We got in the train and I slept for about An hour until I was woke up by Hermione shaking me and telling me to help her find a toad!! "What?!?" I asked. "Some kid lost his toad Trevor, come with me to look for it" she said.

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