∆~The Dream~∆

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My phone kept on vibrating last night and I couldn't even sleep properly! The texts came from an unknown number. It has been threatening me about something I couldn't even understand. There's even thirteen missed calls!

I sighed as I stood up from the bed. I need to go to school already. I took a quick shower and got ready for school. I ate breakfast brushed my teeth and went off for school.

The walk was pretty nice. Just like yesterday. It was relaxing. It made me refresh my mind. I suddenly realize something. I forgot to do half of the paperwork.

I turned back and ran as fast as I can. I can't leave them!! I'll just excuse myself!

I quickly got it and run to school. I looked at my wristwatch. Cheese. I only have a freaking minute?! I saw the school and one of the pompadour guys were there. I guess I'll just go to the wall...

I quickly climbed up and it was a success. No one noticed me. I quickly went down and rushed to the school building. Cheese! Someone noticed me!!

I quickly ran to a bush. I sighed as he shrugged. He seemed to not fully notice me.

"Hn. What are you doing here, herbivore?" I jumped up in shock. Cheese... why the hell did senpai know where the chicken I'm hiding?! I slowly turned to look at him.

"Uh... observing them." I said. He looked at me and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Don't lie herbivore. Go to class. It's already starting." What the hell?! What the cheese happened to Senpai?! Why is he not attacking me?!

"Yeah.... sure." I stood up and left.

"You owe me a fight, herbivore." Cheese. Why?! I looked at him and shrugged. "You got yourself a fight then." I said and quickly left.

I opened the door of the classroom. All of them looked at me. I grinned and put up a peace sign. The teacher sighed before asking me.

"Where have you been, Kageyama-san?" She asked.

"Got a work to do." I said. There were chorus of 'oh' and 'ah'. I then went on my seat next to Tsunayoshi. I sat down and took some paperwork. I have to work on these.

I continued to work, not really paying attention at anything. After all, Senpai will probably be angry at me. I don't want him breaking my bones!

I sighed. One stack done. And now, the other. Hooray... sigh.



I took a glance at the time. Why is it so slow? I wanted to go home already. As if on cue, the bell rung. Signaling lunch. Finally.

I stayed in class to eat. I do not wish to be in contact with the other students. After all, being known as Dame-Tsuna doesn't really help at all.

I glanced at Kageyama-san. She looks tired. I wonder why she is doing those loads of papers. Well, whatever it is, I'm not going to interfere.

I took out my bento and stared at it. It is the usual. Yume-san's speciality. I admit, I miss Kaa-san's cooking. The taste of Yume-san's food is bland. It's always bland. I sighed as I ate.

Wait... since when did she learned how to properly use the proper spices? I'm pretty sure she doesn't know how to add it properly!

I just shrugged it off. I don't wanna think about it now. I just wanted to eat is all.


∆~Sawada Ritsu~∆

I looked at Tsuna in slight awe. Even though we bully him, he never did have any hatred at us. I don't know why though. But, Ienatsu seemed to hate Tsuna though.

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