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Akira woke up. Tears on her eyes. She had dreamt about something. But, it was blurry. It was hard to see.

She sat up on her bed. She wiped her tear-filled eyes. She sighed and hopped off her bed. She went straight to the bathroom to take a bath.

After her warm bath, she looked at the clock. '7:39 AM. Still early...'

She went down to make breakfast.


"I'm off to school." She said before leaving. Chrome waved at her with a small shy smile.

"I'll kill you!" Akira flinched at the voice she suddenly heard. She looked around her frantically. Searching for the owner of the voice.

"P-Please... I beg you... d-don't!" Akira heard another voice. It was pleading. It sent shiver down her spine.

'I better not run into them...' She thought to herself. A bloodcurdling scream fills the silent street of Namimori. Akira was alarmed.

'This voice sounds so familiar... the killer!' Akira thought to herself. She immediately ran to the source of it.

"I-I didn't mean to!" She stopped on her tracks when she heard the familiar voice she's used on hearing everyday. "I-It was y-your fault!"

She heard that person sob. She put her hand on her mouth to stop her gasp.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!" The person's laughter resonated on her mind. She shivered. "............"

Akira's eyes widen as she felt the world stop. She looked down as tears started to well up. "I never knew you're a traitor. How I wish I never met you..." Akira muttered before running away. Tears falling down. She knows that statement will be forever stuck on her mind."I'm such an idiot for trusting and believing you..."

"I hate you for betraying us."


"M-Mom... I'm sorry..."

"I-It's alright, Ni...I understand." Her mother said. Stroking her back gently. "Don't worry, I'll be here for you. Always."


"Mom... you lied."

"You told me you'll stay with me... always. But, how dare you lie."

"I hate you, mom. You lied to me! YOU LIED TO ME!!"

"Duck you, mom! You've made it WORST! I HATE YOU!!!"

"YOU'RE ANNOYING! YOU'RE LOUD! I HATED YOU!! That's why you deserve this death. HAHAHAHAHA!!!"


Akira shivered at the voice and laughter she heard. The voice she heard... it was the same like the first times. It sounded like, her.

She glanced beside her and saw Tsuna focused on his book. She gulped and looked away. Remembering the voices she heard before going to school.

She shook away the thoughts and decided to read a book Chrome gave her. It's about a mystery. She's a fan of mysteries.


"Akira, what happened to you? You seemed, bothered..." Shiori asked. Akira flinched at her sudden pat at her back. But she forced a smile at her.

"I-I'm alright. Just a little... tired." She stuttered. Miyoko frowned.

"This again? You know very well that this also happened before." She said. Akira rubbed her nape sheepishly.

"Y-Yeah..." She said and continued eating. She stood up and turned to them. "I'll be at the infirmary."

She walked away from them with her half-eaten bento. She wanted to tell Maki about what she heard. She can't keep it to herself any longer. She just wanted to tell someone about it.

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