Chapter One~ The End

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        "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!", screamed a man. The man falls off a platform, being shot at by the ender dragon. There is no way he survived that fall, the man died. An eight old year boy appeared in the forest, near sun down. His parents were no where to be found, all he had was the rags on his skin. The boy didn't know where he was, or where he came from. All he knew was he had to get out of the forest.

        When he reached the end of the forest, he came across a village. As he walked through the village, people gave him looks. He realized that his clothing was teared and ripped up, and there were scratch marks all along his legs and arms. His stomach grumbled like an elaphant calling for its child. He walked up to a food stand, and asked the man for some food. The man pointed at the sign, which read,"No emeralds!No Service!". On the way there the little boy noticed a mine shaft. When he arrived at the mine shaft, he heard yelling and screaming from below.

        The boy took one step, and down he fell through the bottom less pit. "Squish!" He fell into a pond.
 He went to the closest source of light, and found a glorious, dazzling, green gem. He started pulling the gem out of the unworthy rock, but it was no use. Drastic times calls for drastic measures, the boy started to punch the rock. At one point he punched the rock so hard, he yelped in pain. "OUCH!" Then the foot steps started.

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