Chapter Twenty Five- Games

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~~~Steve's POV~~~

I know this is history, but I'm really into this story. This should be a book!(the irony! 😁) Herobrine....Hero...I'll just call him brother. Brother, started to tear up again. That wasn't a good sign.

"Brother? What happened in the battle? Your starting to tear up.",I asked concerned. He stood up, and kind of stared at the wall for a few minutes. I got up and stood in his path, and waved in his face. In a matter of seconds I was pinned on the wall, with his sword to my neck. I gulped in fear.

"What are you doing here!",Brother asked sharply. I moved my lips slowly, but nothing came out.

"I give you to three, to tell me who the nether you are. One!",Brother began. I looked at him wide eye, and I start to panic."Two!" He pressed his sword harder on my neck.

"You let us stay here.",I ended up saying.

"I hate liars! Three!",Brother finished. He raised his sword up for the final blow. I closed my eyes, and wait for death. I heard something dropped, so I open my eyes. Brother's sword was on the ground, and he was panting heavily. He let two tears drop to the ground, and he teleported away. I grabbed his sword, and ran to his room. I banged on his door.

"Brother! Let me in!",I called from outside his door.

"Go away.... Steve! I'm not in the mood!",brother said in a deep low voice. That didn't stop me I banged on it louder.

"Not until you open the door!',I screamed. He came to the door, and I felt relieved.

"If you knock again, I won't be able to control myself. I will torture you like I do the prisoners, and kill you. Bring you back to life, and do it over and over again. If you think I'm bluffing, go ask the prisoners yourself. I'll see you tomorrow, and clean that piss up you just made.",Brother scolded. I looked down, and I did pee my pants. I mean who wouldn't, his voice went up and down as he spoke. I peered through the door, and saw iron bars. There was a lot of sparks, and flashing light. I don't think he is ready for his sword yet, I am his big brother after all. His sword disappeared in my hand. I forgot brother could read minds. I headed to the dining hall. Everyone was there except, the prisoners, and brother.

"Steve where have you been?",Timmy asked.

"I just been gathering information.",I replied.

"How?",he asked as if to get to a point.

"Herobrine...",I said quietly.

"Is he your new best friend?",Timmy asked sadly.

"Yup!",I said happily. Everyone glared, as tears built up in Timmy's eyes."You can have more the one best friend. Just remember nothing can separate you and I." Timmy smiled, and finished his food.

"After Timmy goes to bed, t or d anybody?",William asked. We all nodded, except me.

"The last time didn't end well.",I told them.

"This is a new time!", Maddie piped up. I sighed and noded, they all cheered. I tucked Timmy, and bed he seemed scared.

"What's wrong Timmy?",I asked concerned.

"Spot used to sleep next to me, to keep me warm. Where is he?",Timmy asked. I bit my lip, I forgot to tell him wolves can't go into the nether.

"He'll be there when you wake up.",I tell him. He smiles, then falls asleep. I head to Will's room.

"Before we start I have one rule. No dares involving Herobrine. He is in a bad mood.",I told them. They all nod in agreement.

"Steve truth or dare?",Sarah asked.

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