Chapter Twenty-Two~ Brother?

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~~~Steve's POV~~~

I awoken everyone at the house. Timmy plays as a midget, which is pretty funny, since he has a little beard. We put on our armor, and grabbed our swords. When we arrived at the gate, a guard stopped us.

"Who are you?", he asked.

"The new trannies, well guards now.", William answered.

"Isn't he a little too little to be a guard?",he asked. Timmy punched him in the gut, then slapped him across the face.

"I wasn't to little to do that. Let's go!",Timmy told us in a deep voice. We followed him to the portal room. As soon as we opened the door, the king came in.

"Stop! What do you think your doing? Get back to work, and stay out of here!",he barked. I turned to the group and nodded. One by one they hopped in, while I blocked the guards. The king grabbed me by the shirt. He looked familiar. He had a long black beard, and a cape."Your not a guard! Now your friends are going to die because your not going to be there to save them.",he threaten. I apologized in mind, and punched the king in his gut. He immediately dropped me, and I pushed any guards that were in the way. I jumped into the portal. I looked around me, and everything was blurring. When my vision cleared, everything was red, or orange. The orange was lava, and the red stuff I had no idea. It was extremely hot, and we were sweating like crazy. We heard a screech, and we all started sprinting. I turned around, a and saw the portal destroyed. We are stuck in the nether, until we find another portal. The ghost thing was now chasing us, shooting fire charges at us. It chased us all the way to a castle.

"I think this is it.", Charles said sarcastically. I quietly mocked him. I opened up the doors, and zombies that looked like a skeleton crossed with a pig directed their attention to us.

"Run!",I shouted. Everyone took off running to the left. The monsters were on our heels, I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Steve come on!",Timmy screamed.

"Go on, without me! Defeat him! I'm counting on you guys!",I yelled. Timmy ran, up to my side.

"Not without you.",he said with a weak smile. The rest of the group came as well, with Rose and Charles at the back. It's like they don't even want to help me, what ever I got bigger problems on my mind. I took out my diamond sword, and everyone one followed. We chopped down the group of zombies, and walked quietly down the hall way.

"I know this might not be the correct time", Rose began to say. I don't have time for all the emotional crap, until after Herobrine or I die."But, you do love me right?",she asked. If we weren't in this situation right now, we would've been in a full blown argument, or I would just be screaming on the top of my lungs.

"Rose, just shut up. Okay?", I told her. I could hear her mumbling under her breathe. If she wants to do this right now, we can. "If you have something to say, say it because you mumbling isn't helping anybody."

"Why don't you like me?",she screamed.

"I never said that! All this time I try do things special for you! Your the one who doesn't like me! I saw you and Charles on the roof. Now can just the nether up!",I barked. She was real quiet after that. I could see Sarah tear up, and Sam getting angry.

"It's about time you told her!",someone told me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and swung my diamond sword at their neck. He caught it with his pinking, and it stopped an inch away from his neck. "Hey that's not nice."I looked in his white bright eyes, and gulped. I heard someone drop to the ground, and I turned around. It was Rose, it look like she passed out. When I looked back in front of me, herobrine was gone.

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