Chapter Twenty~ Information Part 2

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We made it! To chapter twenty! Honestly, I thought I would only have maybe twenty read at the most. I, excuse me, we exceeded that goal by over three times the amount. I just wanted to thank you guys. I usually only have author notes at the end of the chapter, or a separate part. Thank you guys so much. Now on with story!


~~~Steve's POV~~~

I was the last one to wake up, I was woken by kisses. From Spot. I put my blue shirt, and put on my shoes. Everyone was all dressed, and ready to go. Spot was begging at everyone to pick him up, so he went to me. "You can come with us Spot.",I told him, and he started to wag his tail. I picked him, up and lead everyone outside. The streets weren't busy today, which was perfect. There won't be many lines any where. I lead the group to a local spa place. "Have fun you guys!,I told them and began to walk away.

"Why can't you come?", Timmy asked. I couldn't tell them the real answer, I had to think if something quick.

"Spot can't go in there, no dogs aloud.",I told then with Spot in my hand this time I ran off. It took me about five minutes to get to a psychic. I placed Spot down and he walked beside me. "Excuse me? I have a question.",I asked her. When her eyes met mine, her eyes grew wide. She got on her knees and started pleading for mercy. Telling me not to kill her. "I'm not herobrine, I'm Steve. Why does everyone think that?" She stood up, and sat in front of her crystal ball. She gestured me to ask my questions. "Every since my very first home was attacked, I has visions. Of my self doing strange things. I was always in fear or running from something.", I told her hoping that would be enough. She put her pointer fingers on my temples, and closed her eyes.

"These are visions...... Of the future...... I'm not sure what order, but when you become a full grown man. You will have a beard." She removed her fingers, and held out her hand. I wasn't done yet.

"Who is herobrine?", I asked shooing her hand to the side. she sighed, and put her hand on her lap.

"Herobrine is a god. He rules the nether, and controls the mobs. He looks exactly like you, but has no pupils, and his eyes glow in the dark. He is a cold blooded person, and not a force to be reckoned with. Can I have my twenty emeralds person?",she asked. I gave her emeralds and walked out. All this time when people had scared reactions is because of a cold murderer. When I scared the girls, when I scared Rose, then Timmy, the witch, and now a psychic. If he is controlling the mobs, he needs to be defeated. I ran back in.

"I need to stop him, where to find him. If I don't all the players will be over run by mobs.",I pleaded.

"He lives in the nether. There is a portal. It is a four by five. At the corners can be any block but the others are obsidian. There is on in the castle. No one is aloud, anyone that goes there will be outcasted. Good luck Steve.",she informed me. I nodded my head and walked out, with Spot following closely by. I stood out of the spa shop, with the best smile I could come up with.

"How was your massages?",I asked cheerfully. They all moaned with pleasure. I lead them to a pizza shop, and when we entered everyone froze. "I'm not herobrine! I have pupils!", I yelled. Everyone went on with their day. We sat down on a booth. "Timmy hand me that piece of paper, and crayons.",I asked him. He handed me my requested items, and write 'Hello My Name is Steve'. When the waitress came, I asked for some tape. I taped it to my blue shirt, so now everyone knows I'm Steve. I could see them laughing when I supposedly wasn't looking. "The last place we go I'll take it off, to show you how freaked out people get.", I betted. We ate pizza, and now off to the market! A lot of the people out there stared in shock, it was enough when one woman screamed Herobrine! I took out the sign and stuck it on my forehead. We shopped, and headed back to the apartment. It was eight when we arrived, Spot and Timmy were extremely tired. Timmy plopped on his bed and fell asleep, and Spot did the same. We had fun that night, we told jokes, stories, and did a couple of bets. I could see everyone get tired. "I know who controls the mobs. I learned today, I know we have to..... Kill him, or at least make him stop. There is a portal in the castle, but if we even go in the same room as it, we will be outcasted. I need you guys to sleep on it, and tell me what you think in the morning.", I told them, and left the kitchen. I took my shirt off, just like any night. I laid down on the couch and went to sleep.

~~~Rose's POV~~~

I told master he knew. I told him, and now it's sure! Charles and I was still awake, and any longer I would be to. "I have to step out for a moment.", I told him.

"I do too, by the time I'm back you'll probably be asleep. Good night!",he told me with a smile. We both walked out the building, and went separate ways. I put on my ninja outfit, and met my master at the usual place. This time was different because sitting across from him was someone else.

"Master? Who is this?",I asked shocked. The person turned around, and it was Charles.

"Rose?",he asked.

"Charles?",I asked right back at him.

"Enough of the family reunion. You two called this meeting. Tell me what you need.",master told me. His glowing eyes scared me a great deal.

"Steve knows. He told us about a portal in the castle. That you control the mobs, and that 'we' gotta kill him.",Charles told him.

"Are you saying the same thing as Charles?",Master asked me. I nodded in agreement."I don't how many times I have to tell you fools! He doesn't know! You no longer have the authority to call meetings. I'll call them up, and with that this meeting is over.",Master said. When he ended his last sentence, he disappeared.

"I still think he knows.",Charles said.

"Master promised protection, as long as we obey him.", I reassured him.

"It's hard acting like Sarah's boyfriend. We have nothing in common, and I have to act like I know what she talks about. I thought I was done for when I learned she had a brother."

"I know, but I feel bad. They really love us, but it's just fake. Every moment, every hug, and every kiss was a lie. I hope we are doing the right thing. Even if we aren't I still wonder what true love is."

"Want to find out?" Before I could answer he connect our lips with a passionate kiss. This was true, this was true love. He loves me, and I loved him.

"Get a job, and once a week come with me. Afterwards we can have all the time in the world.",I told him. He nodded, and we kissed again. That was the best night of my life.

~~~Another A/N~~~

Wow, this is one of my best chapters yet. I can't say much might spoil it. Just wow, comment what you think. I'll reply to every comment. Thanks for reading, see ya my thirty fivers.😊

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