Chapter Nineteen~Informatoin

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~~~Steve's POV~~~

We've been living here a month now, Sam and I got used to all the pain after work. Everyone has a job, except Charles, Sarah, and Timmy. Life was great, but hard. Everyone was always tired. We each work different days, so we really aren't together much. Sam and I finished work, and headed up to our room.

"Do you think we can have a day off? If we don't get one, by the time something might happen, we would be too tired to defend you.",I asked our boss. We have been working for a month now, and we had no day off.

"I guess you can get only two days! You hear!",he agreed. I nodded with a smile on my face. I ran upstairs, and grabbed the house phone. Will, and Maddie had off, just got to get Rose and Kait off. I called Kait's job, and got the next two days off.

"Hey Rose.",I greeted her with a smile. She smiled back, that must mean she is in a good mood. "I was wondering where do you work at?",I asked her. When I asked it's like she seen a ghost, her faced turned red. "What's wrong? Rose are you okay?",I asked concerned.

"W-w-hy you wanna know?",she stuttered. She is acting weird, but I'll keep calm.

"It's a surprise. If you do side jobs then it's okay.", I told her. She just nodded, and her tone came back to her skin. I gave her hug, since it seemed like she needed one. "It's okay. As long as you do the right thing." A few moments later everyone else arrived home from work. As soon as I heard the door swing open, I stood up from the couch. " Welcome to two days off fun! Tonight we rest tomorrow we have fun. Next day we chill." Everybody started laughing, and I tossed the phone at Charles. I went in the kitchen, so the fact I was right could sink in. The phone had recorded all the messages, so they heard me get their days off. As they entered the kitchen and sat down, I smirked. I hate when people underestimate me, and it happens to often."I don't hear any laughter now.",I told them while chuckling. Maddie started cooking dinner, and we were starving. We all dug in, I don't know how but a conversation started.

"So Rose, you bring back a lot of emeralds." Maddie said. Rose shrugged it off like any other comment from Maddie.

"That really doesn't matter how much she brings. It's just I'm worried about you Rose, once a week you go for 'work'. You come back with a stack or two of emeralds.",Sarah told her. I could see the sweat build up on her forehead, if she didn't do anything why is she nervous.

"I just do a lot of jobs once a week, and I like to keep my emeralds in a sack, so they won't fall out. I do about twenty of them sometimes they pay double. No big deal.",Rose deafened her self. Sarah and Maddie just continued eating their food, like everyone else.

"I'm going to take my shower.",Charles said before walking out. I've noticed the past few days Kaitlen and Sam have been sitting next to each other, and spending time together. I slightly shove Sam in the arm, and gave him a look. He started to blush madly, and gave a slight nod before looking back at his food. I smiled, and ate the rest of my food. Timmy and I finished around the same time, so we walked out of the kitchen. I think this would be the time to ask him.

"I think it's time I tell you.",Timmy said out of the blue. How did he know, I was going to ask him something?

"I can read your thoughts, Steve.", Timmy told me. I tried not to think about things I didn't want people to know." That makes you think about it more."

"Stop it!",I whispered screamed.

"I know your wondering how I could do this. Well, I had a family. I had an older sister, younger one, a mom, a dad, and even a wolf pup like Spot.",he began to tell me. When Spot heard his name he came over and sat by our feet."One night my older sister told me to take Hannah and run. Don't look back, she told me. I asked her what about you? She just smiled and gave me a kiss on the forehead. She told me I love you, which I never heard her say. I knew I was saying good bye. I took her and ran. There was a big boom, and I turned back. All I saw was our house destroyed, the rest of my family dead, and a pair of glowing eyes in the sky. I wished I listened because as soon as our eyes met, another boom went off. The eyes went away, but the pain in my heart grew stronger. The thing killed Hannah, we could've both made it. Since then I went village to village, but everywhere I went the mobs would attack. I think it's me, and every time I tell someone they kick me out. I've been doing this since I was four.",Timmy told me. By the end of his story, he was in tears. I gave him a hug, and squeezed him tightly.

"We don't abandon each other. Your one of us now. You only have to tell me, I won't tell anyone else. Now get some rest.",I tried to make him feel better. He looked up to me and smiled. When everyone was asleep I hopped in the shower.

~~~Rose's POV~~~

They know! Somehow! I need to talk to him. When Steve thought everyone was asleep, and hopped into the shower. I snuck out.

"What is it now, child?"

"They know some how.",I told them.

"No, your being paranoid. If you don't get back by the time Steve is done, they will." I nodded and ran back home and jumped in bed, just before Steve came out. Hopefully tomorrow will be fun.


I just wanna say thanks again for over seventy reads! I said I would update sometime today, and it is still today XP. I will be posting an a/n tomorrow, and it's a serious one. Anyway, thanks for reading see ya my thirty-fivers!

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