Chapter Five~ The begining Part 1

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William, Sarah, Sam, Maddie, and Steve ran to were the paths meet.

"Was it your side?No!", they all said at the same time." The enterance!" They all looked at the enterance, and saw creepers, spiders, zombies, skeletons, and even enderman. When Steve saw the enderman he went into a flash back.

There were enderman everywhere, and they were walking on beige blocks. He had a diamond sword, and it was enchanted. Steve?Steves?

"STEVE!", Maddie was yelling at him. "What are we going to do?" Steve took the back pack off, and got the two diamonds out.

"Place the crafting table down. Hand me the stick. Hand me the diamonds. Hammer. Now stay behind me at all times." The mobs poured into the cave, like water down the gutter. He fought through, there were bite marks, scratch marks, and stinger from the spiders all over him. At one point a skeleton shot Steve in his good arm, so he had to fight the rest of the battle with his weaker arm. When they got out of the cave, the village was getting attacked by all the mobs. They looked at their now to be destroyed home, and saw that the mom was getting eaten. There were too many for Steve to take on, but Sarah didn't think so. She ran to the village to save her mother, but Steve picked her up and ran her into the woods, and everyone else followed.

"We have to go back for them! PLEASE STEVE!", screamed Sarah. It was hard for Steve to keep going, Sarah was kicking and punching, the group followed Steve. When they got deep enough into the forest Steve put Sarah down. She started banging on the ground crying, the boys looked away and cried while, Maddie and Sarah hugged. When they ran out of tears to cry Steve suggested they started to keep moving. Eventually they found a village near the river, this village was well lit up, and had three iron golems protecting it. They knocked on the nearest house, and an old man came out.

"Hello, youngsters how can I help you? OOOO! Did ye get in a fight?", asked the old man, and let them inside. They sat on the couch, while Steve told the old man what happened." Ye, must be popular at ye old school huh? Getting all the ladies." Steve blushed, smiled, and shook his head no. "Well ye guys can stay here for ye night. Ye two girls can sleep in my guest room, Steve ye take my bed room, ye get a good rest, and ye rest of ya will sleep down here.", the old man left his house, and slept at a neighboor's house. He knew the teens wouldn't vandailize him in any way. In the morning he walked back inside, and they were all still sleeping. When he put the bacon in the pan, they all woke up to the sound of it sizzling. Sarah, Maddie, William, and Sam all ran to the table. Steve tried to get up, but was in too much pain. All they could hear was Steve moaning in pain, Maddie said she would go check on him, but William told her,"He might want someone who isn't a girl to go up to see him." Maddie punched William in the arm, stairs, and started walking up. Sam got up, and told her to wait down stairs.

"Steve, can I come in?",asked Sam. He heard a faint yes, and walked inside. Steve was getting very pale, around the bite marks was turning purple. Sam took the pink, sizzling, liquid out again, and poured it onto Steve's body. To make sure it will work, he poured some red lipuid on him. Steve was now able to get up, but is someone touched him, he would yelp in pain. Sam helped him down stairs, and everyone stared at his condition. Steve tryed to smile, but didn't want to put himself in too much pain. He still had an arrow in his arm, Sam decided to let a professional deal with that. Maddie ran over, and gave Stve a hug. He screamed on the top of his lungs. She sat down in shame, and Steve tried to apologize, but Sam told him not to. They ate breakfast in silence, everyone was still upset about their home getting destroyed. Sam broke the silence by saying," Does your village have a doctor?" The old man nodded his head yes. Steve's wounds weren't purple anymore, so he could speak.

"So sorry I haven't introduced the gang, or that anybody else has.", Steve glared jokingly at his friends, while they smiled" The blonde girl is Sarah, her twin with the blonde hair is Samuel, but we call him Sam, the tall guy with brown hair is William, the girl with the brow hair is Maddie, and I'm Steve. Now who are you?" They all waved as Steve said their names. The old man told him that his name is George, and then told them stories about adventuries he had. During one of the stories Steve felt a great pain, and he couldn't hold it in anymore.

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