Chapter Seven~ New beginning part 3

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~Steve's POV~

I start to back up, and I'm standing at the edge of the cliff. One wrong move, Timmy and I will be at the bottom faster than expected."My name is Steve, and the little one on my back is Timmy. We are here to explore this mountain." The person was dressed in all black, weapon belt along their waist, and a sword on the persons back. It was an iron sword, not too bad, and a ninja mask was covering the person's face. The person gestured for me to follow, I wasn't going fall off the cliff so I did as it said. We reached a cave, and there were two paths to go, up or down. The path that went up had natural light, the path that went down had torched light. The person lead me towards the path that went up. When we got to the top there were huts made of clay on one side, and on the other side it looked like a sacred place mixed with a training camp. The person, took of the ninja mask, and her hair all came out, it was reddish brown curly hair. I had to look away to not give any signs of staring.

~Third Person POV~

The young lady chuckled, and lead them towards the master's house. The girl staid inside while Steve went inside with Timmy still on his back. "What are you doing on my mountain?",the master asked with anger in his voice.

"Your mountain I'm---", Steve was cut off by Timmy kicking him."I wanted to explore it, I had no idea you lived up here." The master examines Steve, and is impressed, but doesn't show it.

"You'll stay here for a couple of weeks, and train.", explained the master. Steve stood up, and went towards the door.

"I have people I need to look after, I can't just get up and leave them. Tell your warrior or ninja, thanks for saving us." He left out of the hut, and an hour passed since they arrived. Steve sighed, and told Timmy that they would arrive home around ten. He headed towards the cave, when he felt a shoulder being placed on his shoulder. Steve saw the warrior girl, behind him. " I'm a big boy, I know how to get down stairs by myself.", Steve said annoyed.

"My name is Rose, and this cave is lit up well, but mobs still spawn. You do not look like the one to fight.", kidded Rose. Steve was shocked, no one ever told him he couldn't fight.

"Let's have a contest to see who could slay the most mobs.", replied Steve. Rose nodded, and put her ninja mask on. She grabbed her iron sword, and Steve did the same to his diamond sword. It took them half the time to get down the mountain, with the cave. Rose slayer 25 spiders, 13 creepers, 45 zombies, and 34 skeletons. Steve slain double the amount. They arrived at George's house, and Timmy was fast a sleep.

"The head master could seem kind of rude, sometimes. I could tell you have a lot going on, with you and your son and all.",joked Rose.

"He is not my son!",yelled Steve.

"Well, your good at fighting, but your not great. Please come and train with us, you could use it.",responded Rose. Before Steve could argue back she had already gone out of sight. He headed inside, everybody was waiting for him, and they didn't seem happy. All he could say was he could explain, but before he could they all started yelling at him.

"You guys never let me explain anything! All I did was go to the top of the mountain, and I didn't plan Timmy to come along. I can't believe you thought I would just take him, and leave.", Steve yelled over the crowd, he put Timmy down, and went upstairs.

~Timmy's POV~

I was on Steve's back, when we arrived home. Before he could say anything, everyone started yelling at him. Mostly for brining me along. It wasn't his fault, I wanted to say something, but everyone was so loud. Steve put me down, and he stormed upstairs. They were speaking to each other.

"We need to have a serious talk to him. He can't just get up, and leave!", one yelled.

"Leaving I one thing, taking someone is another!"

"He needs more than a talk, he needs to come back to reality. Maybe we can do something."

"No!", I screamed. Now all eyes were on me. "I left, and followed him. It's my fault,but he protected me. Just like all those times he protected you. Steve isn't the one that's selfish it's you guys!" I stormed upstairs, and went into the room I was staying in. Steve was looking out the window, at the mobs below. I decided to go to bed, and leave Steve to look at the window. When I woke up he was gone.


Hey it's me Sha! I decided to update in the first hour of the day, since I'm up. Just a reminder I might not be able to update as regularly next week, cuz I'm busy.😜 Jk I'm on vacation, might be busy. I'm gonna post all the chapters that I missed afterwards. Thank-you for reading. I was thinking on what to call you guys, my goofers, or thirty fivers! Get it? Goobers? Niners? oh well, I'm tired, and thx again. Oh and comment I'll try and read them all!😘

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