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Modern/dance au!


Your p.o.v

It was one week until the National dance competition and you were getting more nervous as the days passed. For this competition, you were in a group contemporary and you also had a solo. In the group you were the lead part and you didn't want to mess it up because this was the biggest competition of the year and you didn't want to let your team mates down. The story of the dance was also very serious and you didn't want to ruin the meaning behind it.

After practice, you felt that you team was ready for nationals and that you had a chance to do really good. As you were getting into your car, you got a call from your boyfriend Natsu Dragneel, the captain of the Fairy Tail High basketball team.

N: Hey Y/N how was practice?

Y: Hey Natsu! It was really good! How was yours?

N: It went well too. Coach kicked our asses in warm ups but other than that it was pretty good.

Y: Aweee poor baby. Hey you remember that my competition is this weekend, you're gonna be there right? It's nationals so I would really like your support.

N: That's this weekend? I thought it was next weekend.

Y: Natsu I've told you every week for the past month about nationals!

N: Im sorry Y/N. I'm going to be out of town this weekend looking at colleges for basketball teams. I really want to be there but looking at these colleges is important.

Y: It's fine Natsu really. Basketball is important to you just as much as dance is to me. I just thought that I was important to you too. I'll talk to you later. Bye.

N: Y/-.

You hung up the phone with tears starting to build. If it were any other competition you wouldn't care if he missed, but this was nationals and it's the most important competition and you wanted his support.

****timeskip (day of comp)****

The morning of competition you got a text from Natsu wishing you good luck which you replied with a simple 'thanks'.

    Your group dance was first and while you were backstage you and your group were saying your last good luck before your number was called.

"And now number 88, Suicide Hotline" you heard the announcer say. This was it. You were going to give it your all with or without Natsu there.

As the group ends, you hear a lots of cheering and you hear a voice that sounds familiar but you brush it off and go back to the dressing room to get ready for your solo. When you get to the dressing room you hug your team mates and dance teacher.

"Girls that was the best I have ever seen you dance. I couldn't be any more proud of you all." she said with tears in her eyes.

After you broke the hug you changed into your solo costume and went back stage again and waited for your number to be called. While waiting, you were watching the girl who was before you. She was really good and clean in all her movements. You began to get nervous when she walked off.

"Next up, please welcome number 111. This is Y/N with Piece by Piece" The announcer said and you walked out on stage. While walking you heard the familiar yell but this time it said something and you immediately knew who it was.

"LET'S GO Y/N!!!!!! YOU GOT THIS" Natsu screamed from the audience. He actually made it. He was here for you.

You smiled and waited for your music to start, and once it did you danced to the best of your ability and with all the passion in the world.

****Timeskip (awards)****

"This is the moment you've all been waiting for! Let's get onto the awards for today!" The announcer says as he runs onto the stage. You and your group members sit onstage and anxiously wait for the overalls for your division.

"And in first place overall for your senior division goes to....." he says and you all wait hand in hand, hoping he calls your number.

"Number 88, Suicide Hotline!!!" he says and you all jump up in excitement and hug each other. You go to claim your trophy and give each other one last hug before sitting back down.

Now it was time for the solo awards. They were announcing the top 10 when your phone vibrates inside your jacket. You see it was Natsu and you open it.

N: No matter what place you get just know you did amazing. I love you.

You smile at the text and quickly put it away when you hear they are in the top three. You're surprised when you hear that the girl before you got second.

'She was really good there's no way I'm going to beat her. Someone else was obviously better' you thought.

"And your first pace overall senior soloist is..... Number 111, Y/N with Piece by Piece" The announcer said while looking for you.
    Once you heard your number get called you stood up in disbelief and tears started to fill your eyes. Your team mates hugged you and you walked up to claim your trophy. As you were making your way upstage, you saw Natsu standing and clapping loudly with the biggest smile on his face. You smile back and talk with the announcer about your dance.

After the awards you make your way to the lobby and look for your pink haired boyfriend.

"Natsu!!!" you shout when you spot him. He turns to you and holds his arms out and you happily run and jump into them. He wraps his strong arms around you and spins you around. He puts you down and gives you a kiss on your forehead.

"I thought you couldn't make it today?" you questioned breaking the hug.

"I rescheduled the college tours. I said I had something important to attend to. And congrats on the wins. I knew you would do great." he said and handed you a bouquet of roses with his adorable smile.

"Thank you for coming Natsu, it means a lot to me. I love you so much." you say and wrap your hands around his neck and stand on your toes.

"Anything for you Y/N. I love you too" he says and leans down to kiss you.


Hello everyone I'm so sorry this is long overdue I just had no motivation for a little then I had some issues with people, but I finally updated and I plan to update more so stay tuned! I'm a dancer so i though I'd write something about the thing I do most. I do compete in a week so this is inspired by our first competition of the year. I don't own any of the videos/pictures in this chapter. The first video is from Dance Moms(I love that dance so much it's so good" and the solo is Madison Cubbage an amazing dancer. Anyways I hoope you enjoyed this story and I"ll see you next chapter.

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