Chapter 11

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Lauren Pov

There was a very loud ringing buzzing through my head and woke me up with a bad mood.
But as I opened my eyes I was met with the sleeping face of my beautiful girlfriend.
She's so cute!
I said while poking her nose adding a little 'beep' sound.
Then I kissed her nose, since poking her didn't help.

Then finally she woke up from her
100 years sleep.
"Mhm lolo, i Just had a nice dream and you woke me" she whined.
"My poor baby, I hope it was about me"
"Mm, no" she joked so I decided to play along.
"Pardon me miss?!"
I said while faking a shocked expression.
She laughed and cuddled on to me.
"Of course it was about you. You and only you"
Awww she's soooo cuteeee.

"Camz we have school in an hour"
"Oh right, I forgot about that"
"Wanna get ready?"
"Mmm just a bit more, we can use our speed and be there in just a few seconds, oh and by the way!
Are you good to go to school?"
"Yep I'm all good! I won't masacre the school"
I said while holding her as if my life depends on it.
"Good, oh and Lolo?"
I started laughing, why is she so cute?
"Hi baby, and camz?"
She hummed and nuzzled me.
"I love you"
She pulled back and looked deep in my eyes.
"I love you too"

After 30 minutes of cuddling, kissing and cuddling, we got out of the bed and prepared ourselves for school.
This is gonna be so different for me, especially now that I'm a vampire.
I hope I won't go all 'freddy kruger'.
Well i.... Uhmm...okay I won't say anything.
After we were done, I went to the motorcycle and waited there for her, because she wanted to look cool today, so she chose the motorcycle.
"Babe hurry up!"
She ran out and kissed me.
"Sorry I forgot my phone"
I smiled and pecked her lips, they are so soft I won't get enough of this. Ever.

Arriving at school we got off of the motorcycle and entered the school hallways, while holding hands.
Everyone was looking at us:
Surprised, shocked, angry, sad, happy and some of them didn't give a shit.
But the most shocked of them were
Dinah, normani and Ally, they didn't think I would end up with camz.
Well how could they even, I mean they don't even know her secret.
Then, all suddenly I started to look at everyone's neck.
'oh oh this isn't Good'
I thought to myself, fuck I'm getting thirsty.
Then I realized 'fuck! I -i mean we forgot to drink some blood this morning!'
I looked over to camz and saw her body being tense.
She was hungry too, fuck what do we do!?
I bet she doesn't have any blood bags with her.

This is gonna be difficult, but mostly dangerous.

Sorry I wasn't updating, I was busy with school and exams.
But I still found the time to get this chap done!
Pls forgive me🙏

Thx luv y'all ❤️❤️😊

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