Chapter 18

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Lauren Pov

It was friday, we have to go to school today.
They're gonna stare, I don't wanna go.
I hate staring.
"Lauren, we gotta go"
Camila said from downstairs.
"I don't wanna"
I tried to convince her to stay with a baby voice.
"Nop, we.gotta.go"
She whispered in my ear.
Jesus! I hate it when she does that!
Sneaky little lesbian.

"Now come on we gotta go!"
She said and slapped my ass, which caused me to giggle.
I followed camz to that motorcycle and get on it behind her.
She started the motor and drove us to school.
I held on to her tightly.


When we arrived at school, we earned so many stares.
We got off the motorcycle and watched the students.
I even heard them saying
I bet they gonna kill us,
Weirdos and don't let them near you"
I noticed that camz heard them too,
She was uncomfortable.
But I noticed that some them were very happy and were amazed.

Camila Pov

I felt it, those stares burning holes in my back.
I don't like it.
As we entered the hallway it got worse.
I saw that a boy and his 'gang' came up to us.
'oh I know that boy, Austin mahoe'

"Hey Camilla, so i heard you're a filthy bloodsucker"

"Damn right mahoe, so I suggest you piss off or you're the next after that bastard that shot the others"

"Hey camz you need some help?"
My girlfriend asked.
"Nah it's good, I can handle it"
I kissed her nose.
"Hmm okay"
She smiled like a puppy.

Then this girl grabbed me on my collar ,!.

"I suggest you leave this school Cabello, Or you're dead"

Okay this made me laugh.

"So you wanna kill me?"
I said while laugh.

"Yes Cabello so you better watch your back"

"Now this Is kinda funny"
I said, and my eyes turned red.

"A-a-and w-why is this funny"
She tried to act all brave.
I think this girl's name was Taylor Swift Or something.

I got closer to her and looked in her eyes, I saw fear in her eyes and I enjoyed it.
"I remember clearly that even the bullets that the guy shot in our hearts, that even those bullets didn't kill us"

"T-they didn't?"
My my she's so scared.
What a pleasure.

"Nop they just tickled, so just so you know, you're 200 years too late to kill me and you have no experience with vamps so fuck off.
Or you and your 'gang' are next"

An with that I shoved her to the side and went to Lauren's locker, with her behind me.
She's so adorable, she follows me like a list puppy. so cuteeee!
I stopped at her locker and watched her as she took her belongings out and then someone else came up to us.
It was Dinah and the girl.

I was nervous, they were already like family to me, even if I never talked so much with them.
"Hey Mila"
"Hey DJ, uhm...wassup"
"Listen Walz I have no problem with you being vamp, really"
"Oh thank God I thought I'd lose you because of what I am"
"Walz we could never, judge you"
And with that Dinah hugged Lauren me.
"But Ralph, since when were you a vampire?"
"Can I tell you that later? You guys can come over?"
"We can come over?"
The three asked me.
"Of course why not"
I started to laugh when Dinah started with her jokes, believe me if that girl starts your stomach is gonna hurt from laughing.

I looked at Lauren and noticed that she was staring at me the whole time.
"It's not nice to stare Lolo"
She blushed.
Is all she muttered.
I placed my hands on her cheeks and kissed her.
I felt her smiling in the kiss, that was all it took to make me happy as fuck.
She ran her hands through my hair and I placed my hands on her hips.
When air became and issue we pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes.

"I'm so gay"
Was all we heard from Dinah, which made me laugh.
"Way to ruin a moment DJ"
Lauren said.
"Sorry! But it's not my fault that you two are so hot together"
We all laughed.
I love my friends.


We heard the bell and made our way to class, some people just can't get over it. Cuz they are fucking staring and whispering. Fuck them.

We sat on our chairs and waited for the teacher.
When some idiot of a boy decided to get a cut on his index finger and of course it needed to bleed.
I had no problem ignoring the temptation, but when I looked at Lauren, well let's just say she had a hard time.

I held her hand, and stared to comfort her.
Her hand was shaking.
So I hugged her tight and rubbed her back.
Dinah and the girls were looking at us.
If she was an emoji right now it would be the heart eyed one.
I laugh and looked back to my baby.
I didn't even think about letting her go.
"Shhhh, it's okay Lauren shhh, you're not gonna hurt him, just breathe"
Her shaking stopped but I continued to whisper sweet nothings in her ear and it calmed her down.

After a while the teacher came in, miss lovato became my favorite teacher. I really liked her, she accepted us.
"Good morning class!"
Miss lovato looked at us with a questioning face.
"Miss lovato, do you have a bandaid?
That Malik boy cutted his index"
I asked miss lovato.
"Of course here sweetie"
She handed me a bandaid and I made my way to Malik.
He looked at me in fear.
Was all I said and he raised his hand.
I grabbed his hand a put the bandaid on his finger.
"Be careful next time, it could go worse" I said with an evil smirk.

I went back to my seat and sat down.

After 30 minutes of class a phone suddenly rang.

Lauren Pov

My phone suddenly rang. Shit.
"Miss lovato can I answer my phone?"
"Sure class ends in 15 mins go ahead"
"Thanks miss L."

After getting my permission I looked at my phone screen.
I said a bit too loud and everyone looked at me.
I answered, ignoring the stares of the students.

"New phone, who's dis?"
Everyone laughed. Haha I'm a jokester.

"Hello? Lauren Sweetie?"

"Aye mom"
I said angry.

"Please come home, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that"

"Oh you think?"
I knew camz heard everything, she seemed angry just like me.

Dinah leaned in to camz  and whispered with her.
"Hey walz, who is she talking to?"
"Her mom"
"Why does she want"
"She wants Lauren to go back home to her"
"Well it doesn't seem like Lauren is happy with that"
"She isn't, but we'll tell y'all everything at my place later"
"You got it"

"Sweetie please, I wanna talk to you"

"Yeah maybe an other time, I'm in class so bye"

And that's when I hang up.
I can't believe her, first she said all those things that broke my heart and now she want me to talk to her, wtf.

"I'm sorry miss lovato, you can go in with class"
"Class is over Jauregui"
"Oh....well then see you later?"
"Sure but turn your phone off please"
"Sure thing"

And with that the five of us went to lunch.
We sat at the table were I met Ally and normani.
I sat on camz lap she was very comfortable.
And camz wrapped her arms around my torso.
"Hey lo, you hungry?"
Camz asked me.
"A bit"
I muttered.
She held a bloodbag up to me and I gladly took it.
I drank it.
"So how does blood actually taste"
Ally asked.
"Well for you humans, it would taste a bit like iron.
But for us vampires, it's like strawberry or Cherry, well....sweet"

Ally just hummed.

"Aye jauregay! Camilla!"
Someone called us.

How's it going hoes!!!???
I had a great lazy day, well everyday is lazy day. So fuck it.
Hope y'all had a good day ya fuckers!

Luv y'all!❤️

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