Chapter 16

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Camila Pov

We heard a gun shot and a scream, some psycho must be in this school now and he or she has a gun.
Not good!
I smell blood, someone is hurt or maybe even dead.
I looked over to Lauren and she looked not scared, she looked mad.
She can get mad?
'not the time Cabello!'
Urgh fine.

I looked over to the students in our classroom, they were scared even miss lovato. But what do you expect from humans if they hear a gun shoot.
Suddenly our classdoor slams open and a man came in. He had blood all over his face and hands. He had a gun in the right hand and had just black clothes on.
When I looked at his face he smiled.
'Seems like he has much fun in killing people'
I felt the burn in my throat, the burn of hunger, the burn of thirst it was the feeling of bloodthirst.

he yelled and everyone nodded in fear.
Urgh! Humans......
can't he just stop yelling?
Everyone went down on their knees as he told them, except for me and Lauren.
I looked over to Lauren and saw it, she was hungry as well. Just like me.
'well she never saw that much blood'

"Lauren! Camila! Get down here! Didn't you heard him?!"
Dinah said scared.
He pointed his gun at me, he dares to point his weapon at me?
'oh hell to the no!'
"Nah, I'd rather sit?"
then he shot, he shot me in my heart.
'as if that would work'
I flew back from the chair and landed on the ground.
'At least he knows how aim'
Lauren looked at me with no expression, she knew I couldn't die just because of a bullet, so she had nothing to worry.

Lauren looked back at him, that was no show for her, that was just child's play, she was bored.
Haha im bored too, he can't do anything against vampires.
"Camila! Oh my God Camila! Please don't die!" Dinah said, oh well guess it's time to get exposed.
"Lauren! Camila is dead! Aren't you gonna do something?!"
Ally said.
"Don't worry about her, she's fine"
She said with no fear, Yas that's my girl!

The guy then pointed his gun at Lauren.
"now it's your turn!"
"Seriously? A gun? That's all you have? That's so boring"
"i wouldn't, you're too disgusting to fuck you and even if I want to I still can't, I'm into that girl you just shot"
Lauren said very calm.
Then he shot Lauren, but she didn't fall over she just sat there, bleeding from her heart that just got shot.
Then she stood up, looking at her shirt.
"You know, I really liked that shirt.
Camz why are you still on the floor?do you need help to stand up?"
Just as she said that I stood up.
"Nah I'm up"
We looked at our wounds and watched as the bullets fell out of them.

The man was now shocked, he was scared.
"What? Never seen someone survive a gunshot in the heart?"
I asked.
"indeed you got us in the heart, but there's a simple reason why we're not dead"
Lauren said, and she's so sexy even with a bleeding heart.
'cabello! Seriously!not.the.time'
Geez okay, calm your titts inner me.
"because we.are.vampires"
I said as a fact.
"There's no such thing as vampires!"
He said, denying it.
"Oh so you wanna see it yourself?"
Lauren asked with an evil grin.
"Lauren, how thirsty are you?"
I asked with the same grin.
"As much as you are babe"
She said.
"I don't like bad guys, the last one almost killed you when you were human"
I said with arms crossed
"Urgh don't remember me"
She said disgusted.

I just chuckled.
"Now let's get full"she said.
"As you wish princess"
And with that we used our speed and made our way behind him.
Our class just looked at us in fear, well gonna need to explain this later but now let's get rid of this scum.
Lauren and I bit his neck from left and right and sucked his blood out.
It's been a while since I had fresh blood.
So good...
I pulled away when I felt myself being full.
I just looked at Lauren who was still drinking.
Then I looked at the students.
"I'm sorry miss lovato, seems like we need to explain so things but don't worry we won't harm anyone from this school. I promise."
Miss lovatos expression soften and she nodded.

Lauren pulled away from him and let his body fall on the ground.
I looked smirking at her.
"You full now?"
She nodded and seemed very satisfied.

"Good, now we need to explain"

Lauren Pov

"Good, now we need to explain"

When she said that I looked forward.
" Oh.fucking.shit"
Ally shouted.
"Sorry mom!"
Ally smiled relived.
"So what do we do about that?"
I asked camz and pointed at the corpse.
"Oh right. I'll take care of it wait here"
She said and speed away with the corpse, leaving me alone with the students in the class.

"You're a vampire?"
Dinah asked all of a sudden.
"Uh yeah, camz and me"
I said, still being nervous.
"You're not gonna kill us like that guy, right?"
Normani asked curiously.
"No! Of course we wont!"
I said.
All three of  my friends laughed and hugged me, they seemed happy.
"I'm sorry you guys had to find out this way, I wanted to tell you but bit like this"
I said a bit sad.
"It's cool Ralph"
DJ said, she seems really happy.

"Well you two saves our lifes, we owe you some"
Miss lovato said relived.
"All I wanna ask is, if you could accept us like... I mean us being vampires?"
Then Camz came back.
"Of course we will accept you, you literally saves us, sure some students are dead but in the end the most of us got saved by you two"
Miss lovato hugged camz and me.
Uhh okay this school... Is weird.

Or is it just me?

Wassup hoes!
Writing is literally addicting.
Well I got another done.
Yasssssss love me!!!
Keep reading

Luv y'all ❤️😊

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