Chapter 20

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Narrator Pov

When both of them came home, they didn't even make it to the bedroom.
Camila pushed Lauren against the wall, kissing her very hungry.
Both of their eyes glowed in a pure blood red color and their fangs were out and very sharp.

They were kissing and biting each other and slowly camila made her way to her partners neck and bit it, which caused Lauren to bleed and moan in pleasure.
Camila drank her blood with pleasure and took her shirt off in a second.
Lauren was only able to moan, but then she flipped them over so now Camila was against the wall.

Lauren didn't wanted to waste time so she just ripped the clothes of the petite Latina off and took the rest of hers off too.
None of these two were able to sustain themselves, they were both addicted with each other, they were each other's drug.

Camila took control again and pushed Lauren to the couch in the living room and got on top of her.
Camila never liked to be a bottom, she was a top.
Then she kissed her way down to Lauren's hips and slowly went between her legs.
The second when the lips of the petite came in contact with the folds of the Raven haired there where a lot of moaning and humming.

Camila was eating Lauren out, and she ate like pro.
Lauren wasn't able to say a word anymore, she was a moaning mess.
All she could do was to push camilas head more on her pussy.
She felt too good to move.
And Camila was too good with her tongue.
Camila fucked her with her tongue.

"Oh my God! Camz! Harder! Deeper!
God I'm so close!"
Was all Lauren could say and with one last thrust of camilas tongue, she came, she came so hard that she was shaking but she knew too well that her next orgasm would be much harder than that.

After all that tongue work, Camila leaned back and enjoyed the view of lauren, panting beneath her.
It was the most erotic and sexiest view she ever saw.
The petite one was already hard since a while ago and was just waiting for her partner to be so ready for her.

She got between Lauren's legs and placed her dick on Lauren's entrance.
Lauren nodded and that's all Camila needed.
And with one thrust Camila was deep inside her and pushed the full length of her dick in.
"Yes! That's it! Right on that spot!"
Camila smirked, she knew she hit Lauren's G-spot and she did with every thrust she gave.

Camila sped up her pace and fucked her really hard, at this point there was no holding back anymore.
Lauren was feeling so much, she digged her nails in camilas back and it started to bleed.
The brown haired didn't feel any pain, instead she felt pleasure, she was feeling so good that she went even harder with every thrust.

"Fuck! Camz! That's- fuck!"
Lauren couldn't take it anymore and came instantly, she came harder than before but she still wanted more.

Camila pulled out of her and changed positions, she had laurens ass up and on her knees.
She didn't waste any time and slammed her dick back inside Lauren's hot pussy and fucked her from behind even harder than last time.
"Jesus Christ! Fuck lauren! That's so good!"
Camila moaned out.
"Camz! It feels so good!"
Lauren was a panting and moaning mess.
If they'd have any neighbors they would be knocking on their door now and be complaining about the loud noise.

"Camz! I can't-  anymore!"
Lauren was close and she wasn't able to hold it anymore.
"You close again? Geeze you're such a slut for my cock aren't you?
You're my cockslut aren't you?"
Camilas dirty talk  was all it needed to get Lauren over the edge and she came again, this time much harder than ever.

"Fuck! You're squeezing me so tight!
I'm gonna cum!"
And with that Camila came and was in such a bliss.
She came so much that Lauren's pussy overflowed with her cum.
She pulled out Lauren and watched her cum dripping out of her partner.
"Fuck....that's so much"
Lauren said.
"Yeah, you really turned me on this time"
Camila breathed out.

Both of them were breathing, trying to catch their breath and cover in a thin layer of sweat.
"Why do we always end up fucking?"
Lauren asked.
"Because we can"
Camila answered and both of them laughed.

Camila layed on the couch with Lauren on top of her, while she was playing with laurens hair Lauren drawer little circles on her lovers chest.
"We didn't even made it to the bed"
Lauren muttered.
Camila obviously heard it and she chuckled.
"Well seems like we are worse than horndogs"
Camila said quietly.
Was all Lauren said before camilas phone rang.

She reached for her phone and saw the name on her screen.
It was Dinah.
Lauren was still on her, relaxing.
While the brown haired answered her phone.

Dinah: "walz!"

Camila: "Dinah I can hear you don't          shout."

Dinah: "sorry."

Then Lauren got an idea to tease her lover.
She leaned up and kissed camilas neck, and sucked a bit.
It startled Camila and she gasped.

Dinah: "hey walz, you okay?"

Camila: "y- yeah! I'm good!"

Dinah: "really?"

Then Lauren bit her and drank her blood. Camila tried so hard not to moan right now.

Dinah: "hello? you still there?"

Camila: "yeah! I'm here, so why did you call?"

Lauren made her way lower and lower, until she was right infront of her lovers soft meat.

Dinah: "right! You said that the girls and me could come over after school right? Is that offer still up?"

Lauren took camilas dick and stroked it really hard, which caused Camila to cover her mouth, not wanting to let a moan slip out.

Dinah: "hello? Damn walz! What the heck are you doing?"

Camila: "sorry! I was distracted!
That offer is still u-up!"

Lauren was already sucking her off which she did very well.
She massaged her balls and twirrled around her lovers dick with her tongue.

Camila: " Fuck- I mean what time are the girls and you coming over?"

Dinah: "we'll be there in 15 minutes"

Camila: "o-okay! See you then. Bye!"

Dinah: "bye walz. See you later"

And with that she hung up.
Camila looked at Lauren, she saw her sucking her off.
"Oh... Fucking hell..."
Everyone who doesn't know Lauren would think she was very experienced at this but she wasn't. She only did it a few times.
"Fucking fuck! Lauren! Just a bit more!"
She sucked harder and massaged her balls harder.
"Oh God!"
And with that Camila came and shot her white fluid in Lauren's mouth.

Lauren swallowed and smirked at Camila.
"God you're such a bad girl.
I was on my phone and you just sucked me off, you're a very bad girl"
Said Camila.

"Is that so? It's not like you didn't like it"
Lauren said.
"After the girls leave you're gonna get punished.
Are you such a slut for my cock that you would take every opportunity to touch it?"
Camila said while she was smirking.
"Yes daddy, so please punish me later"
Was all Lauren said.
Then both of them went upstairs and made themselves ready for the girls.

"I hope Dinah didn't notice it in your voice"
Lauren said while she was smirking.

Wassup hoes!
Sorry I wasn't updating!
School is Shiet, that's my reason.
Hope you like this chapter, you horndogs!
Just kidding.

Keep reading

Luv y'all ❤️😊

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