Chapter 28

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Lauren Pov

We are at home, I had difficulties to control myself on the way back home.
I almost jumped her.... control yourself Jauregui!
Camila said she wanted to show me a room that I've never seen at home, how can that be?
I thought I already saw every inch at home, or she's just too good at hiding.

Anyways! Whatever this room is, I know camz is up to something.
So I'm a little suspicious.

"Camz where is that room you wanna show?"
Camila smirked, was that room so special?

"Well Lauren I hid it pretty well so no one would find it, even if they tried really hard, but you must know, I build that room all by myself and designed it with a special taste of mine, it's always behind this bookshelf"
She said and didn't even stop smiling.
Gonna smack that smile away if she won't hurry, and to be honest I am really horny.

"Can't you just hurry and show me already?"
I pleaded.

"So impatient, are you that horny?"
She asked, of course she knew.
"Okay, but you need to memorize the code if you wanna go in there from time to time, okay?"
I nodded still impatient.

"Okay so you need to pull this black book, then this brown book after that this blue one and then this old dusty book at last, try it"

I tried like she explained and the bookshelf opened an entrance.
"Okay that was cool, but it's kinda creepy, like with all these spiderwebs it's just...ew"

"Stop complaining and go downstairs, I'm right behind you so no worries"
She comanded.

"But it's so dark, I can't see...."
I complained more.
"Oh oops, there's light. The switch should be right....... Here!"
She said and the light shines through the entrance from up here to the end downstairs.

"Who would've thought that there was a secret passage in this house?"
I said with a smirk.

Camila chuckled and her eyes went blood red.
"Now go, I'm following"
She told me and I just did what she said.

While we were walking through the passage i looked at the walls and the stairs.
They are old but they were cleaned recently.
Camila must have given her best to keep it clean, but the webs didn't help a lot with that.

"This passage is actually very clean, I just can't get these webs off, it doesn't matter what I do, I just cleaned them yesterday and now there are so many of them again"

She read my mind.
"Ever thought about killing the Spiders?"
I asked.

"Hmm I could try that"
She responded.

We reached the end of the stairs, it looks better here the way I'd clean no spiderwebs, no dust.
We walked this little passageway a bit further and stopped at a really fancy door that looks old but a bit renewed.
But it still has one of those locks.

"I'm glad that it looks better here, I don't want any spiders or else in this special room"
Camila said relieved.

"It's locked"
I said very obvious.

"No shit Sherlock"
Camila said chuckling.
"Of course I have the key"
She said and inserted the key in the keyhole, then she opened the door.
It was dark, Jesus why does everything needs to be dark?!
But I smelled...leather?

"You know if this house ever gets attacked, the best place to hide would be down here right here where we are standing, because no one would think that there would be a secret passage behind a bookshelf right?"
I asked, but it would be the best hide place.

"That is true, it's one of the reasons why I build this secret room after I got turned"
She Said.

"Wait, this passage is that old?!"
This is amazing, she really takes care of it.

"Well yeah, the passageway is, but the room is just tree or two years old, because I just got the items and the furniture in this century.
Oh and by the way, the bookshelf closed by itself, while we were making our way down here by the stairs the door already closed"
She let me know.

Now I'm kinda afraid, how will we get out of here?
"There's a little button that you need to push to open the door again, it's upstairs on your right"
She said, she really can't stop reading my mind can she?

"No I'm enjoying to know what's going on in there"
She said while pointing at my head.

"You still didn't turn the light on, the only thing I know is that there's much leather inside, it smells so much like leather"
I stated, I'm really going nuts if she takes any longer.

"Smart girl and you're right, there is much leather in here"
And with that she turned the light on.

What I saw made me speechless, she had a room like this?
How? When? Why?
It was like the exact same as the one they had in fifty shades of grey.

The Red Room of Pleasure.


Didn't expect that did ya!?
I was thinking for a while if I should add it or nah.
In the end I added it.
Yeah I'm a kinky piece of shit :)

Luv y'all ❤️

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