Chapter 27

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Sorry if it's a bit...uh....I don't know....just sorry, because I ran out of ideas and I'm just improvising right now :/

Camila Pov

Normani and Dinah are late, they are not on our usual lunch table.
"Urgh! Where are they?"
I was getting impatient, damn just what are they doing that's taking so long?!
"Calm down camz, look there they are"
Well I relaxed a bit, but just a bit.
Both of them where giggly and we're smiling in a different way at each other, and they are holding hands.
' wait they didn't,or did they?'

"Why are you so giggly?"
Lauren asked.
"Uhhm... Well"
Dinah hesitated, why?
"Ya nasty"
Was all I said and both of them smirked at me. I take it that I'm right.
"Yes, yes we are, and so are you"
I just nodded.
"So you two"
Dinah and normani looked at each other, then they smiled.
"Yup" both of them said in unison.

But something's missing, what is it? Or better who is it?
Oh right.
"Does anyone of you know where Ally is?"
I asked, being all curious.
"Yeah she's with that Troy guy, I think she likes him"
Was all normani said, then a smile creeped up my face.
"Well I'm glad that she has someone, I wouldn't want her to be third Wheeling with us, I'm happy for her"
Lauren reached for my hand and held it, a bolt of electricity ran through my body as she touched me.
Never gets old huh?

Suddenly a scream of a girl erupted and caused our heads to shot up.
' what the hell?'
"What was that?"
Dinah asked.
"Obviously it was a scream"
I said.
"No shit"
Mani responded.

"Let's find out whats going on"
Lauren said and we made our way to where the scream came from.

When we arrived a mass of students where standing around an girl that was shaking and in a scared state.
' just what happened? And why am I smelling blood this whole time?!'
We made our way through the crowded hall and saw the girl.
I don't know her.
But she was scared.
I kneeled beside the girl and comforted her, i tried to calm her down and it worked.

"What Happened? Why are you so scared?"

"T-there! In- in my locker! There's a
She stuttered while pointing at her locker.
' a head?!'
I opened the locker and saw it, it was a head, but I knew that face.
It was the guy that tried to rob us, it was the guy that made me expose myself to Lauren.
I know I killed him, so why is his head here I buried him!

Lauren said as she tried to get my attention.

She called again.

"Lauren, I know him"
Was all I said.

"What do you mean, you know him?"
Lauren asked all confused.

"Remember the night when your throat almost got sliced by that weird robber? The night you found out what I was?"
I said. Still looking at the head.
"Yeah, I do remember. That guy was quite agressive"
She answered.
"Well here you got his head"
I said and her eyes went big.
" That's him? But didn't you-"
"I did, and I don't know how his head got here"
I cutted her off.

"Someone must be playing a prank on us" Lauren said nervously.
"I hope you're right"
I said and took the head.

"We'll take care of this, alright?"
I asked the scared girl.
She just nodded.
"Lauren can you clean up the blood?"
She nodded and started to clean up the mess in that locker while I was burning the head and threw the ash in the trash.
I went back to Lauren and placed me hands on her hips from behind.
Then I whispered in her ear.
"All done?..."
I heard her gasp.
And I smirked.
"Hm...just a bit and I'll be done, why?"
She whispered.
"Because I wanna go home...and do things"
I said In a lower voice.
"What are those things?"
She asked in a seductive voice while trying to whipe that last drop of blood.

After she asked that I grinded my front against her ass.
She bit her lip.

"Damn, this heat season won't wear off until next week?"
She tried to ask.
Then I bit her earlobe.
"I-i think I'm done..."
She said.
"Yeah... I think so too"
I said, agreeing to her.
"You think we can make it to home without fucking on the streets?"
Lauren asked in amusement.

"I won't do anything with you unless we are home"
I said in a Stern voice.
"Why?" She tried to convince me.
"Because I'll show you something that you've never seen in our house, a special room and I think you'll like it very much"

"What room?"
She asked nervously.
"You'll see"
I said, then we went back home.

Jesús, I was on Christopher street day on Sunday In cologne and. It was lit!!!!
Hope you liked this chap
It not proof read so there are some mistakes.
And I'm too lazy to correct them :)

Luv y'all ❤️

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