Chapter 21

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Camila POV

15 minutes after Dinah called the doorbell rang.
"Wow exactly 15 minutes, right on time"
Was all Lauren said after she opened the door.
"Hey Ralph, are you alone?"
"No dinah, camz is in the kitchen. Actually she's been there for a while now, come in I'm gonna look for camz"

No shit I've been here a while now.
Why? Because I'm searching the fucking food!
Where the fuck did I put them? Urgh!
"Camz? What takes so long?"
I heard as Lauren came up from behind and wrapped her arms around me.
"Food, but I don't know where I placed them"
I turned around and sat on the kitchen counter.
Then Lauren stood between my legs.
I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Maybe you should look in the fridge?"
She whispered.
Then I blinked. Right! the fridge!
"Thanks but right now, I think I need something else"
I said.
"And what might that be?"
She asked in a seductive way.
"Hmmm this?"
Then I kissed her.
"Or this?"
Then I licked her neck.
"Or this?"
Then I took her hand and sucked on her index finger.

"That sounds very good but right now we have guests. later okay?"
Was all Lauren said.
"Okay but promise me that you won't let me sleep?"
I asked in a baby voice.
"I should be the one asking"
She chuckled.
"True now let's greet our guests"
I said and speedwalked to the living room.
Then I was met with three girls.
"Hey guys"
"Walz! You look.... Good? Too good!... Hat did you do in the kitchen? Or better.... What did you do after you came home?"
Man dinah can talk like a waterfall.

"Uh.... I.... Well.... I was..."
Shit... Exposed....
"Ya nasty"
Was all dinah said.
"Anyways! So you guys came over to hear our story?"
Lauren asked and changed the subject.
"And to hang out!"
Mani added.
Then dinah stared at Mani, wait a minute!
Dinahs heartbeat sped up after their eyes met.
Dinah jane! You are so in love!

I smirked as dinah said that.
She asked.
"Oh nothing but you should take care of the staring habit"
Then she turned red.
"I don't know what your talking about"
"Of course you don't"
Then Lauren walked over to the fireplace and lit the fire up.
It got comfortably warm.

"So you really wanna hear it?"
Lauren asked to be sure.
They all nodded.
"Okay but I think camz should start, I mean she was the vampire first and I don't know about her past too"

I looked at them and sighed.
"Alright then. I start and tell you everything until now. That good?"
"Please do"
Ally said.

Then I started talking.
Gonna be fun.......

I'm sorry for not updating!
Forgive me
School is distracting
So yay 🤷
What do y'all think will Camila spill?

Keep reading
Luv y'all

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