Chapter 2: Fallen Warrior

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Chapter 2: Fallen Warrior


I was struggling to get through muddy water, making it hard to get through as I trudged around, hoping to find my brother, wherever he was. He had to be near me. He couldn't be that far off.

"Canaan!" I said again into the air, hoping to find my brother. Please be alright. . . Please be alright. . .

My arm was seething with pain. It felt hot and wet as I recognized it as blood that was flowing down my arm and into my hand.

"Who're you? Are you Harry Potter?" I heard someone ask, but I couldn't recognize it.

"Where's my brother?" I asked loudly. "I want my brother!" I began to cry loudly with sobs. Voldemort must be looking for the real Harry right about now.

"Here it is, now head straight for the burrow," it seemed like the person was deaf or didn't understand what I was saying. They ignored my brother. The person put the Portkey in my hand before I could find my brother. In an instant, I was whisked away.

I landed hard outside of the burrow on the grass. I shrieked in horror. I heard a door slamming open and I looked up to see Mrs. Weasley and Lupin.

Lupin pulled me up harshly from the ground and dragged me to the house and slammed me against the wall very hard, my head hitting the window sill edge.

"When you came into my office, who was there that took you into Hogsmeade to reveal who they really were to you?" Lupin asked roughly, pointing his wand into my chin.

"Remus! Get off me!" I shouted, trying to pull away and get to my brother, whenever he was. He pushed me harder into the wall.

"Answer the question!" he yelled, shaking me. I had to think hard for a moment, however all I could think about was Canaan. "You're the imposter!" He jabbed his wand harder into my chin and was about to say something.

"No, it's — it was Sirius, there!" I shouted, pulling his arm off my violently. "Now get off of me! My brother is hurt!" I was freaking out all over again.

"What happened?" asked Mrs. Weasley.

"Th-they thought I was the real Harry. Because I was riding the damn firebolt that Harry and I have and I said Harry's signature spell," I answered quickly.

"Where's Canaan?" Lupin asked. Before I could say anything I was interrupted. Another conversation was going on and Lupin went to join in on it.

"Lost an —?" There was a conversation going on around me, and I quieted down to listen. Who lost what?

"Snape's work," said Lupin.

"Snape?" I heard Harry shout. "You didn't say —"

"He lost his hood during the chase. Sectumsempra was always a specialty of Snape's."

"I-I said that to one of the death eaters," I said. Everyone was paying attention to me now. "And now that I recall, I think I saw Snape too, who blasted off my brother's arm. . ."

"Aquila, what happened —?" Hermione began but gasped at the sight of me. Who wouldn't though? I was covered in blood, and it wasn't mine.

I let out a nasty sob. I couldn't tell her. I couldn't say it. I didn't want to.

"I'll prove who I am, Kingsley, after I've seen my son, now back off if you know what's good for you!" I heard Mr. Weasley. When did all the people get here? Wait, that means Fred was with him.

I looked up to see them enter the burrow. Everyone became a distraction, but it wasn't strong enough to pull me away from my brother's death. Voldemort killed him. He's going to pay for this.

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