Chapter 8: Magic is Might

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Chapter 8: Magic is Might

I was having this weird dream. It was at the ministry. . . during this trial . . . it was mostly pink. . . and toadish. . . Then I saw it. The locket that was a Horcrux. . . a woman was wearing it around her neck. . .

I woke with a start in the middle of the kitchen. It was dark and there was no light except from the fire in the fireplace. I knew who it is. I know who has the locket.


August rolled away, my birthday passing without anyone taking notice. I didn't really care that much anyways. The house was now spick and span, shining and looking new thanks to Kreacher.

I've mainly minded my own business as I wandered the house a lot. Kreacher's cooking was good, especially the treacle tart. We were going to the ministry tomorrow, which I was excited about to finally get into some action. However, the ministry was interested in me because of my abilities to not even need a wand or a spell to do incredible things that nobody else could.

Kreacher served us hot rolls for breakfast with coffee, while I stuck with some hot tea instead.

We got into our plan formation. We Apparated into a tiny alleyway where we were about to begin.

"Okay, so we stun the two girls right here in five minutes. Before that we open the door," I said, reciting the plan loudly. Ron and Hermione nodded. Hermione opened the door and then pulled it back toward her to make it look closed. We hid under then cloak again and waited for the two women.

Little more than a minute later, there was two tiny pop's and a little ministry witch with gray flyaway hair and a slighter taller ministry witch with long flowing black hair Apparated in front of us. Not even a second later, Hermione and I stunned them as it hit them both in the chest.

"Nicely done, Hermione," Ron complimented, but didn't bother with complimenting me. I shrugged it off.

Together, we carried the witches inside the dark passageway that led backstage. Hermione and I plucked both the woman's hairs and added them separately to separate Polyjuice Potion flasks. Ron and Harry were rummaging through their bags.

"She's Natalia Leandro," said Harry, reading a small card as she was an associate in Magical Law. He handed me her bag with her card on it and the tokens from it.

I drank the lemon colored potion which I then became a double of Natalia Leandro. Hm, I have more curves and look better in this body. She must've been around in her mid-twenties.

"We're running late, Mr. Magical Maintenance will be here any second."

We hurried to close the door on the two women inside. Harry and Ron threat the Invisibility Cloak over themselves. Seconds later, there was another pop, and a small, ferrety-looking wizard appeared before us.

"Oh, hello, Natalia. Hello Mafalda."

"Hello!" we said together. Ooh, the words just rolled off my tongue like silk.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Not so good, actually," replied the little wizard who looked thoroughly downcast. The three of us headed for the main road as Harry and Ron crept behind us.

"I'm sorry to hear you're under the weather," said Hermione. "Here, have a sweet."

"Eh? Oh, no thanks —"

"I insist!" Hermione said aggressively, shaking the bag of pastilles in his face. Looking alarmed, he took one. The effect was instantaneous. The moment it touched his tongue, the little wizard started vomiting so hard that he didn't notice Hermione yanking a few hairs from the top of his head.

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