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(After reporting the incident to the cops)

I laid in my bed eyes tired from not sleeping hoping this was a nightmare and that I was going to wake up any second but I was still here I knew I couldn't just sit there while my parents are in danger even if I did call the cops i still needed to help I then remembered what mom said " THE SUPPLIES" I yelled there had to be some type of clue on this whole situation I ran in my parents room and searched under the bed I found a huge dusty box I wiped off most of the dirt and my name was on it
I tore off the dirty tape and opened the box inside the box were
A note
10 pokeballs
5 potions
a badge case
pokemon food
And A photo
I first opened the note

Dear Dee,
If you are reading this then something terrible must have happened I want you to know that we're going to be okay don't worry about us we will find a way out  we were kidnapped by a evil organization called team plasma they kidnapped us for our skills with Pokémon there are a lot of gym leaders here  dee don't come and try to rescue us it's too dangerous that's why I want you to find your aunt Jessie she will take care of you she may seem a bit odd at first but trust me she has good intentions the items we gave you in the box should be enough to start your journey and remember dee you have great potential go out in the world and make us proud our little champion

(P.S there is a little surprise for you in my closet on the top shelf take real good care of it) 
As I looked towards the closet i stood up and  I approached with caution I opened the closet  doors and stood on my tippy toes too see the top I then proceeded to feel around until I felt a container I grabbed the container and brought it closer to me as I saw what it was I smiled but cried at the same time.

S there is a little surprise for you in my closet on the top shelf take real good care of it)  As I looked towards the closet i stood up and  I approached with caution I opened the closet  doors and stood on my tippy toes too see the top I then pr...

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It was an egg inside of an incubator

I then looked at the picture it was a picture of mom with a woman with long weird curled hair I kept it just in case I needed it

With tears forming in my eyes  I ran in my room grabbed my backpack  and packed some clothes and money I put the egg inside the backpack and  I woke up buneary and skitty and we were on our way

As I walked out the front door I took one last look at my house before heading off. The things that were running through my head WHERE  is jessie, WHO is jessie, WHY is she so important, and also did my mom and dad  really think I wasn't going to keep searching for  them they  really Don't know me.
Now where should I start can't be too hard I thought

"Ugh I didn't know how hard it would be to find this jessie person" I said to buneary and skitty who were walking on  either side of me I decided it was time for them to eat after I prepared there food i decided to climb a tree and get a better look at my surroundings i told my Pokémon to stay on the ground I looked all around. And I saw these two teenagers a girl and a boy the girl had crazy hair and the boy had spiky hair he also had a pikachu he was battling a pokemon I quickly took out my Pokédex

 And I saw these two teenagers a girl and a boy the girl had crazy hair and the boy had spiky hair he also had a pikachu he was battling a pokemon I quickly took out my Pokédex

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Pidove the tiny pigeon pokemon These Pokémon live in cities. They are accustomed to people. Flocks often gather in parks and plazas.

"Quick attack pikachu" the boy yelled the pikachu glowed white charging at the pidove with incredible speeds hitting the pidove. "Pikachu iron tail" the boy commanded the pikachu's tail turned a metallic color hitting pidove on the head knocking it to the ground he then proceeded to throw a pokeball at the pidove and catch it he got his hopes up  but he failed he  was then quickly attacked by a swarm of pidove for messing with one of their friends I would have helped but it was so funny

the boy wasn't giving up though quickly after another pidove was walking on the ground the boy sent his pikachu to use another quick attack and hit the pidove but this  pidove wasn't going down without a fight it jumped up and used gust flying in the air and flapping its wings the pidove created a strong gust of wind directed towards the pikachu  the pikachu was barely able to keep steady

The pidove then decided to use quick attack but the pikachu dodged it the pidove then used air cutter his wings glowed a bright white color as he slashed them a blue x charged at pikachu hitting him the pidove then used quick attack again "pikachu dodge it" the boy said causing the pikachu to jump over the quick attack and the pidove to go charging towards a tree.
"Use thunder bolt now" the boy said the

pikachu charged up electricity and blasted the pidove the pidove tried to escape but was too slow the boy then proceeded to throw his pokeball again this time catching the pidove and doing a pose which caused me to laugh and fall out the tree when I stood up I noticed the boy and girl  looking  at me causing me to back away slowly
"Hey wait don't leave the girl said" she and the boy walked towards me I'm ash from pallet town and this is pikachu  and our  dream is to become a pokemon master  the girl rolled her eyes but continued to introduce herself "I'm iris from the village of dragons and I want to become a dragon master your pokemon are so cute what's you name" she said with her hand out I looked down at my Pokémon and saw them playing with the boy's  pikachu I looked back up at iris my name is d..Dee i said nervous " hey how about we have a" but before the boy could finish a group of people came

Prepare for trouble!
And make it double!
To protect the world from devastation!
To unite all peoples within our nation!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

That's right

"JESSIE! I've been looking for you" I yelled

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