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Dee's POV
After our Pokémon got healed I took my Pokémon to a nearby table and fed them.
Soon everyone else's Pokémon came along to join them my Pokémon were happy to share their food. "Is it good pikachu" I heard ash say
Pikachu caused little bolts of electricity to shoot out of his cheeks as he jumped for joy "how about you axew" iris then said "axew ax"
He said before stuffing his mouth.

I then decided to go sit by the nearby window then get away from all the noise I sat there and thought if I would ever see jessie again my only clue too my parents  is over I said tears started forming in my eyes when ash and iris came over to try and comfort me. "Hey what's wrong"  iris said sitting by me putting her hand on my shoulder "it's fine" I said not looking at her "no it's not please tell us"  ash asked me

" well it feels like my life has taken a turn for the worse I lost my parents and a person I am supposed to be finding I may not even see them again" I said putting my head in my hands "I'm alone" I said " hey that's not true you have us we can be there for you call us your honorary brother and sister" iris said trying to make me smile "yea" ash said taking his hat off and put it on my head "see your not alone " they both said even their Pokémon jumped on me. I smiled "they barely know me" I thought  "you know ash the real world is tough for a little kid like you and since you've been following me all around I've decided I'll join you on your journey" iris said smiling

"Uh Sure dee do you want to join too" ash said smiling as I thought about the question I looked at my Pokémon they seemed so happy to have new Pokémon to play with "sure" I replied just to keep my Pokémon calm and not to freak out cause I'm sad

"Now on to Striaton city to challenge the gym leader" ash said jumping up. We then got up to leave when ash realized what iris said a few minutes ago " I do not follow you by the way it's you who follows me" he said "do not" they argued back and forth  until I noticed a oshawott "uhh guys" I said " aww it's so cute

it's obviously been following me" iris said but was surely shocked when the oshawott walked straight past her knocking pikachu over pikachu didn't like that and charged up and released a thunderbolt at the oshawott who then took off his scalop deflecting the thunderbolt too ash causing his hair to frizz up and smoke me and iris busted out laughing " I'm o..okay ash said as the electricity frizzed his hair out. " hey I think this is the oshawott who helped us fight team rocket"  ash said " I think it wants to come with you" iris said " I really appreciate what you did for us so sure welcome aboard" ash said throwing his pokeball but the pokeball bounced off his head " the oshawott must belong to someone else" I said  " wait a minute ash then ran to the phone station in the pokemon center after a few moments Professor Juniper appeared I remembered her when she used to come to my house she and my mom were good friends "

"Hey ash" Professor Juniper said cheerfully and wait dee how have you been how's your mother" she said curious " were both good" I said quickly deciding too keep the truth too myself "Professor juniper I was wondering if you were missing a Pokémon" ash said curiously "well actually yes a oshawott to be exact" she said puzzled " I think I found him he's kinda been following me I think he wants to join my team ash said " sure I'll send his pokeball now glad too see he's in good hands she said before I saw a flash of light in the corner of  my eye and a pokeball appeared " "thanks so much Professor juniper" ash said gratefully "hey wait were did he go" I said looking around " I'll help find him " iris said we ran outside but no luck "where could he have went" I said as we walked up the path a little more "AHHH!" I said as me, ash, and iris fell down A deep hole "SOMEONE HELP"  we yelled

I'm so so sorry I heard a panicked boy say before approaching the hole "here give me your hand"
After all of us were out the whole the boy introduced himself his name was dan " I'm so sorry this was made by a Sandile " woah a Sandile"  I said " yea me and my father own a local spa center" he said " but we haven't really been that busy since the Sandile attack" dan said with his head  down. "The Sandile attack" iris said " a while back me and my father were treating guest when a group of Sandile appeared normally they are calm but they started destroying the place digging holes and disturbing customers I don't understand why they would do this" dan said "well help you" ash said "we will" I said In confusion " dee think about it we have a opportunity to do research" ash said nudging me "ahhh research" I said catching on
~~time skip~~{at the spa}

"See this is relaxation" iris and ash said buried in the sand as I  sat in a nearby beach chair "but ash aren't we supposed to be looking for oshawott" iris said getting back on track your right ash quickly hopped out the sand "relax he's right there" i said pointing to a relaxing oshawott after calming down a Sandile with shades approached " guys look it's a Sandile" I said quickly pulling out my Pokédex

"See this is relaxation" iris and ash said buried in the sand as I  sat in a nearby beach chair "but ash aren't we supposed to be looking for oshawott" iris said getting back on track your right ash quickly hopped out the sand "relax he's right th...

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Sandile the desert croc pokemon  they live buried in the sands of the desert the sun warmed sands prevent their body temperature from dropping

" that's their leader" dan quickly noticed, the Sandile dug under axew carrying him away "pikachu use thunderbolt" ash says not thinking "ash wait it could hurt axew too"  I watch as ash, iris, oshawott, and pikachu chase behind the Sandile. I finally decided to step in okay skitty come on out I said releasing skitty " skitty chase down that Sandile and use focus punch on the ground" I commanded skitty went full speed towards the Sandile her tail quickly glowed a light blue color as she pounded the ground the Sandile propelled into the air because of the vibrations " axew I got you" iris said catching axew the Sandile then got angered he ran towards oshawott and pikachu and grabbed their legs and ran off but before he could get far he was picked up in the air by a crane "huh" we all shouted

Prepare for trouble!
And make it double!
To protect the world from devastation!
To unite all peoples within our nation!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

That's right!

"Not again" ash and iris said "yes" I fist pumped in the air but was confused when ash and iris looked at me with a confused face
They then started to drive off but was quickly stopped by a army of Sandile "just run them over" jessie said " why would she say something like that" I thought I was so confused the Sandile army then dug in the ground in a circle formation around the machine causing it to fall in a pit but they all jumped off of it just in time. Before getting hurt
As ash and iris ran to get their Pokémon a geyser sprayed through the air....


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