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??? POV
I was walking along the small path clearing my head while zorua playfully skipped on the stones that surrounded the nearby river I smiled at the sight I waved my hand to say hi zorua but a backpack fell out of the sky literally and landed right in my arms I tumbled back in shock " ah " I yelled which caused zorua to rush over " look what I found ...well it found me " I showed zorua the backpack

She sniffed the backpack before looking back at me " are you sure "I responded she looked right at me with focused eyes "..okay " I unbuckled the backpack without reaching inside I took a quick look in but zorua on the other hand " ....ZORUA GET OUT OF THERE!" Zorua jumped out the backpack causing an egg to roll out " a Pokémon egg !" I whispered shouted

Along came a few poke balls , Pokédex and potions , a note , a hat And a picture before I could open the note Zorua cried out I looked up too see a young boy  unconscious while holding a pikachu also unconscious near the shore of the river the boy looked so young he could be my son he didn't even look old enough to start a Pokémon journey the pikachu looked well taken care of but I can tell it hasn't been in a huge free space recently

The boys shirt was caught on one of the jagged rocks barley keeping him still the water was rushing fast the cold water droplets made it hard for me to get close to them without being drenched in water
The force of waves could easily tear apart something as big as a tree but yet the boy had a unbreakable grip onto the pikachu even though there was no signs of him being alive  " we have to get them to the hospital

I shoved all the items back into the bag being very careful with the Pokémon egg before strapping it on my back "Zorua you know what to do " I said she then proceeded to turn into a ursaring and used the great strength to grab them both and Carry them to the Pokémon center we rushed to the nearest one

~ small time skip ~

After waiting what seemed like forever in the waiting room nurse joy came out I jumped up with a worried look on my face i was more worried about the Pokémon ....but of course the kid too "  are they alright I asked she smiled before saying " they both are fighters signifying that everything was alright I let out a sigh of relief Zorua didn't have to say much but I could tell she was relieved

"I left some clothes nearby on the bed for the boy" she said smiling before attempting to walk off she suddenly turned around

" One question tho how did you wrap the kid so tightly around the Pokémon he was basically unconscious you could even say clinging to life but had an iron qrip around that pikachu his vitals were crazy strong as if he was in perfect condition " I just found him like that " I told her

" what about the pikachu " I said changing the subject " the pikachu is fine he's just finished eating now he's resting in the back room it will probably be a while before he and the kid are fully energized they were in that water for quite sometime

I rushed through the double doors kicking my way through each one I reached the main lobby and saw nurse joy talking to some guy.. WEARING MY BACK PACK!!

" WHERE ARE MY POKÉMON!" I yelled causing all the trainers and Pokémon that were waiting to look at me crazy I leaped onto the strange guy and started pulling his hair " give me back my stuff " I yelled " ahh " he yelled back trying to pull me off " HE SHOULDNT BE ABLE TO FUNCTION THIS MUCH ESPECIALLY NOT AT THIS SPEED IN HIS CONDITION " nurse joy yelled trying to pull me off I then heard pikachu as it ran through the double doors reaching the lobby just like me

" PIKA PIKA CHUUUU" pikachu yelled sending a thunderbolt at all of us I grabbed my back pack and quickly jumped off the mans head causing him and nurse joy to be the only ones that got shocked..."serves you right you weirdo" I yelled at the man now laying on the floor beside nurse joy as I put my backpack on my back as nurse joy started to get up and wobble to her desk to help the other patients

" NOW WHERE ARE MY POKÉMON !" I yelled pikachu then ran up to my leg and then outside and then back in to the center

" your looking for ash huh...look I know you don't trust me ..I wouldn't trust me either I took you from your trainer I was just dumb i was confused I ..I .." the words didn't come out instead the words were replaced by tears pikachu then jumped into my arms then to my shoulder and around my back before diving into my backpack

" what are you doing " I said laughing because the rapid movement kinda tickled pikachu then came out with ash's hat he placed it on my head ..." your right Ash is my honorary brother I can fix this but first we need to find the others "

" you tell me where my Pokémon are now " I said to the weird stranger " you have a gift with Pokémon to just like me ..I mean no harm my name is N I don't know where your Pokémon are but I can take you back to where we found you " he said

" N huh... that's a weird name and what do you mean we ?" I asked as soon as those words left my mouth a Pokémon jumped on N's shoulder " woah a new Pokémon " I quickly grabbed the Pokédex out my bag

 that's a weird name and what do you mean we ?" I asked as soon as those words left my mouth a Pokémon jumped on N's shoulder " woah a new Pokémon " I quickly grabbed the Pokédex out my bag

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Zorua the tricky fox Pokémon To protect themselves from danger, they hide their true identities by transforming into people and Pokémon.

" what does it mean .."transform"  I asked " show him " N replied to Zorua the Pokémon snickered before transforming into me " OMG ...what the heck are you a Pokémon to N" I said scanning the Pokédex over him but nothing came up the Zorua then transformed back before snickering again and jumping on my shoulder opposite of pikachu " how do you feel " the man asked " oh umm I feel fine " I said awkwardly " an adult wouldn't be able to bounce back that fast so how did you " the man asked " umm..idk I just want to find my Pokémon their my everything " I said leaving

This boys special it took me years to get that Zorua to even come near me but this boy did it in seconds maybe he has the gift like me " can we go now I need to make sure my Pokémon are okay " the boy said almost out the door on the path " umm other way I replied " before rushing after him

N's POVThis boys special it took me years to get that Zorua to even come near me but this boy did it in seconds maybe he has the gift like me " can we go now I need to make sure my Pokémon are okay " the boy said almost out the door on the path " ...

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