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N's pov
We have been walking for quite a while my feet were starting to ache but Dee on the other hand kept the same steady but fast pace he had since the beginning " how are you not tired yet" I asked him practically dragging myself behind him " you know for someone who doesn't look old your acting like a gramps " he said making zorua snicker at the joke

It made me facepalm "Zorua has finally met her match " I chuckled as Dee and her were racing down the path Zorua has a lot of energy and that's mainly because he's so young but Dee is matching that energy so well " but then again he's young too I thought "hey guys wait for me" I  yelled jogging faster


When I woke up I was in a dark room I could barely see anything all I could hear were the different cries of various Pokémon a pain around my neck made me realize I had a collar of some sort " SKITTY , TURTWIG " where are you I yelled snapping out of my confused state out but their was no response out of nowhere I heard the most low and roughest of voices " Their in the arena it's too late for them " as the Pokémon spoke the others got quiet I looked to my left and saw a huge Pokémon towering over me

I quickly jumped back in fear my back hitting the other side of my prison " don't worry I won't hurt you if I'm not told to " he hissed " wh..who are you " I asked shaken up he then slithered closer towards me getting closer and closer to the bars that separated us his warm breath terrified me even more I could hardy see him I could only see the tall and slim silhouette of him on the mid area of his body was a collar I assumed it matched mine

" your friendsss were fighting back and they hate Pokémon who rebel so they were sent to the arena " the mysterious figure said peering into my container which I quicky realized was a cage their was a slow creaking noise before I heard the light switch flick on and faint footsteps in the distance

in front of me stood a Pokémon who could swallow me in one bite with sharp fangs and a slimy body around the room where the other Pokémon I heard some big some small all wearing the same collar as I had " wh..who are you " I said nervously " why frightened " the Pokémon hissed " besides introductions mean I'll know you for a while and In here you never see the same face twice trust me I would know " the Pokémon then coiled itself up as if it was done talking

" wait where are my friends " I asked getting closer to the bars as if forgetting he was bigger than me but he didn't respond " I know your not sleep " I yelled but still no response as I looked around I still couldn't believe my eyes Pokémon of all shapes , sizes , and types were locked in these cages but what confused me is why don't they break out why are they just sitting there

" I don't have time for this" I yell as I back up and release a shadow ball blowing the bars right off the cage " you'll be sss..sorry" the Pokémon said still not paying me any attention I hopped through the hole in the cage and hopped off the table which once held my prison the floor underneath was cold to my feet the Pokémon around me showed no reaction no excitement

I then proceeded to break as many cages as I could shooting shadow balls at the doors same as I did with mine releasing each Pokémon " CMON YOU GUYS YOUR FREE " I yelled but the Pokémon sat there un motivated ,unaffected  I didn't understand the cages were open but they wouldn't move as I sat in confusion the snake Pokémon spoke again " kid their spirits are broken don't you get it they've tried what you've tried trust me I was the first I've tried over and over and ended up back at square one fighting for a trainer who didn't come for me just like yours isn't coming for you "  he yelled trying to get his point across but also looking defeated

" MY TRAINER LOVES ME just because you gave up doesn't mean I will you gave up and now look at you old and miserable I'll never stop fighting even if it takes years " I yelled on the brink of tears the Pokémon looked shocked in the moment

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