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"Rise and shineeee" yelled meowth in my ear causing me to jump up and punch him in the eye and send him flying to the hard ground " what the heck you don't scare people like that especially when their already on edge ! " i said slowly rubbing my eyes wondering what was going on and trying to remember the previous day I finally get that blurry sleep vision under control and see buneary and skitty playing on the limbs of a tree while collecting apples I look in my hand and smile as turtwigs pokeball shakes a little I stand up and take a deep breath

" Okay turtwig come on out my friend " I whisper throwing his pokeball in the air a flash of blue light appeared in the form of turtwig

He ran up to me and nussled against my arm " I missed you too boy" I said as I picked him up and hugged him I then checked on the egg I was carrying

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He ran up to me and nussled against my arm " I missed you too boy" I said as I picked him up and hugged him I then checked on the egg I was carrying ....."still nothing"  I said sighing as I zipped my bag back up buneary and skitty must didn't see me wake up because as soon as I saw their eyes they jumped down from the tree and rushed too me

" hey guys would you like to play with turtwig for a little " I said rubbing his head " bun NEARY " " skitty skit" they said cheerfully I then placed turtwig down and reassured him it was okay but he was still a little timid which was normal ....after getting my self ready

I realized aunt Jessie and Mr. James weren't here come to think of it I haven't seen pikachu either " hey meowth where's the others " I asked he was still rubbing his head before talking  " their exploring Around scavenging for berries and Pokémon they took pikachu along to keep him safe " he said smiling " where are we anyway" I asked " don't know I just know we were flying for quite some time ash and iris will never be able to find us " he added before walking into the nearby river

I then decided to feed my Pokemon their breakfast before I fully start the day " time to eat guys " I clapped causing all three of them to rush over especially turtwig I placed their bowls down and proceeded to pour a good serving for each and even washed and cut up a few apples that they collected for them

~~ time skip~~

The sun had went down just a little The sun was slightly gone After everyone had played  and rested I decided to go find Aunt Jessie I had plenty of questions with no answers the quicker I find my parents the better and she was my ticket to finding them I had everyone out of their pokeball as we were walking through the woods it would be easier to find her with a bigger crew turtwig was close to my legs as if he was scared I was going to leave him if he didn't stay close I picked him up and placed him on my head " I would never leave you buddy " I said smiling  he looked down and smiled at me before proceeding to get comfy

The woods were kinda creepy but growing up with my parents I've heard lots of stories of my dads scary Pokémon adventures so I wasn't scared not one bit ...


" ahhhh!! What's that !! " I said jumping and hugging  on an nearby tree for safety bunneary and skitty both looked at me and sighed ...okay maybe I was a little scared

There was a huge flash of yellow light in the distance "what was that"  I asked buneary and skitty before proceeding To sprint In that direction I finally saw the source of that power it was pikachu in the container he seemed very fidgety and angry there were no signs of Aunt Jessie or Mr.james  so I decided to let him out but there were no visible buttons or latches to open it the closer I got to him the more he used thunder bolt causing a bright light to illuminate the area but every time he used it he would stagger a bit as if his energy was being drained buneary then proceeded to jump ahead of me " what are you doing " I asked

She then charged up a tiny  shadow ball and shot it at the cage " oh I see your trying to break it open " she nodded as she repeated it over and over " skitty help out too use swift but not as powerful " skitty jumped in the air before she waved her tail causing too small stars to blast at the container ..." it's still not enough I then put turtwig on the ground before kneeling down to his level " hey buddy would you mind helping out " but he closed up i smiled before rubbing his shell "it's okay " I understand

I looked around and found a decent size stick to try and pry the container open with " okay while I pry guys you try again " I said to buneary and skitty they seemed concerned as if they didn't want to hurt me " it's okay you two I'm stronger than the average boy you guys know this " I said smiling  I put my backpack down just in case something happens to the egg " okay I'm ready" I said before they released  their power again " one ...two ...three.. AH

i said as I was tumbled back by the force of their powers " heh heh...I forgot you guys aren't the average Pokémon" I said nervously laughing out the corner of my eye I saw turtwig go up to the cage and examine it

It then backed up and charged a mini energy ball to use on the container " good job turtwig all together " Buneary shadow ball , skitty swift,turtwig energy ball " there was a huge smoke cloud I backed away coughing waiting for the smoke to clear so did everyone else their laid pikachu ..out due to lack of energy but free

good job you three I said before they all jumped on me in excitement we were all playing and laughing before ..." WHAT ARE YOU DOING"! a voice echoed so loud the Pokémon in the trees scattered in fear it was aunt Jessie and boy was she mad " umm pikachu seemed scared so I helped him"  I said pulling him closer to my chest " YOU TWERP " she yelled " aunt Jessie? " I said with sadness in my voice  tears on the edge of falling " STOP CALLING ME THAT ME AND YOUR MOTHER WILL NEVER BE SISTERS AGAIN" she yelled

" umm Jessie calm down " Mr. James told her but it didn't help " GIVE US BACK PIKACHU BEFORE YOU MESS UP OUR CHANCE FOR A SPOT BESIDE THE BOSS WE STOLE HIM FAIR AND SQUARE" she yelled before marching towards me " you mean only wanted pikachu to get good with your boss " I asked standing up looking at the fainted pikachu in my hands ..." I made a big mistake "

" hey why don't you give us back the pikachu and we can go and talk about your mom " Mr. James said reaching his hand out towards me I backed away slowly with my head hanging low ..." no.." I whispered rubbing away any tears that may have fallen " WHAT DID YOU SAY !" Jessie yelled .." no" I responded a little louder " holding pikachu tighter now Dee were not going to ask you again " Mr. James said getting closer to me

" I..said ..NO! " My voice echoed loudly and my body felt warm "BUNEARY USE SHADOWBALL AND  SKITTY BLIZZARD" I commanded the moves collided with Aunt Jessie and Mr. James causing a loud noise and a decent amount of smoke and enough time for us to escape with pikachu " cmon guys " I said grabbing pikachu and my backpack tight and making sure buneary ,skitty, and turtwig were right behind me

~~~small time skip~~|

We reached a cliff with a waterfall down below I could hear Aunt Jessie's booming voice close by " get ready for battle guys " I knew they were all  tired even I was out of breath but of course they wouldn't let it show pikachu was still out but even if he was up I'm sure he wouldn't help me " THERE YOU ARE IVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR GAMES " Aunt Jessie yelled approaching with her pokeball

" YOUR HOLDING THE ONE THING THAT CAN CHANGE OUR LIVES " she added " umm Jessie " Mr. James said tapping her but she ignored him " NOW HAND THE PIKACHU HERE" she yelled again " Jessie I really think you should.. " Mr. James started but was quickly interrupted" WHAT JAMES !!" Aunt jessie yelled before realizing what he wanted

A swarm of beedrill floated closely by us and boy did they look yelling and arguing must have awakened them I thought to myself " umm" I said slowly holding pikachu tight and moving forward to grab my Pokémon but I must've caught their attention as soon as I moved a swarm of pin missiles shot at all of us causing a gigantic explosion

"AHHH" is all I remember yelling before me and pikachu were sent flying off the cliff into the rushing water fall ...


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