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The Pokémon center doors dinged as I rushed through with the unconscious Pokémon  in my arms " hi and welcome to the..." nurse joy started " help Pokémon now " I said interrupting her not even caring that my words weren't complete sentences nurse joy nodded before calling her audino to assist " audino quick hurry please take this Pokémon to the operating room the audino came rushing with a stretcher she grabbed the Pokémon out my arms and layed it on the stretcher before rushing it to the back

I tried to follow  but was quickly stopped by nurse joy " I'm sorry nobody except workers in the back " I nodded before heading towards the waiting area nurse joy followed behind me and asked " what exactly happened to this Pokémon" she asked "to be honest I don't know" I said with my head down nurse joy then rushed to the back

The waiting room was freezing cold " I pushed my hands into my pockets to warm them up and I felt a piece of paper in one of them I pulled the paper out of my pocket and realized it was the note that was by the Pokémon we found I quickly pulled it open and read

Dear unlucky trainer

HA HA well looks like you found my sorry excuse for a Pokémon this Pokémon cost me countless battles so I had to show it some tough love if you know what I mean it has no use to me anymore so if you want it keep it have at it i left the poke ball there if you don't want it let it stay there I don't really care what happens to it anymore

The letter made me angry how could a trainer just throw away their Pokémon like a half eaten piece of candy i took the pokeball out my pocket and looked at it I was so distracted I didn't hear the Pokémon center doors ding  again I was quickly startled by iris hugging me " dee we were so worried please don't run off like that again" she said sounding genuinely worried I slightly smiled " yea" ash said running in right behind her stopping to catch his breath

CRASH there was a loud glass shattering noise before the Pokémon we found ran out of the operating room with nurse joy and audino following quickly behind it trying to catch it the Pokémon then looked around like it was looking for something it's eyes stopped on me

it then yelled and ran in my direction before hiding behind my legs nurse joy gave up on catching him " well I've healed him up to the best of my ability he's a shy one" nurse joy said he then snapped at her before trying to jump in my lap " hi little guy I said before reaching my hand out to pet him" it looked at me and tilted his head before jumping on me and licking my face " okay okay " I said laughing " I just realized I never found out what type of Pokémon you were anyway " I pulled out my Pokédex

it then yelled and ran in my direction before hiding behind my legs nurse joy gave up on catching him " well I've healed him up to the best of my ability he's a shy one" nurse joy said he then snapped at her before trying to jump in my lap " hi li...

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Turtwig the tiny leaf Pokémon The shell on its back is made of soil. On a very healthy Turtwig, the shell should feel moist.

Moves learnt
Energy ball
Razor leaf
Bullet seed

he jumped up in joy " your so adorable" iris said reaching out to pet turtwig the turtwig flinched shaking with fear it will probably take some time for him to adjust to everything I told iris "tomorrow I'll introduce you to some new friends" I said patting buneary and skitty's pokeballs "but for right now I have to ask you a question" the turtwig looked at me and blinked his big sparkly green eyes " would you like to join my team" I asked holding his pokeball the Pokémon hesitated before tapping the pokeball with his head putting himself back in the capsule I smiled before yawning "nurse joy are their some rooms we can sleep in for the night" I asked ,nurse joy smiled before saying " your just in luck I have one more room with 3 beds actually" she said cheerfully " that would be perfect" I said before following her to the room


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