chapter 2

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Chapter 2

 To say I was struck speechless is an understatement. I could not understand how we were already in Louisiana since we had left Florida just yesterday and I know I am fast but even I am not that fast especially while carrying four pups on my back and being injured.

As I was thinking about how this was possible, I almost missed Richard and David walking slowly closer to my pups, I let out a growl in warning and they stopped moving but did not stop staring at the pups at my feet. The looks they were sending to my pups could only be classified as envy, jealousy and what looked like possessiveness. How they can look possessive over pups that aren’t theirs, I don’t understand?

I let out another growl louder then the last to let them know to back off, “why do you keep staring at my pups” Richards’s just looks at me and says nothing for the longest time, “come you should meet our alpha and the rest of the pack.” I am not sure why I would want to meet the rest of the pack but for now I come willingly all the while thinking of a plan to escape at the first chance we get.

            As we come closer to the pack house I can see over ten woman and men all stop what their doing and stare at me and the pups. Mostly it seems that they are staring at my pups, and the looks they are giving them are full on creeping me out. What I don’t see are any children, no children running, playing or just plain annoying anyone. Don’t this people have any kids of their own, is that why they are staring so much at my pups?

            The closer we get to the pack house, the closer I keep the pups to me and the more looks they get. By now it seems as if the entire pack is just staring at my pups with want and possessiveness. As we walk into the pack two girls walk up to us and try and take one of my pups from me. At his cry I growl and pull him into my arms the other three rap their arms around my leg and try and climb into my arms I pick up the second smallest and am now holding two while the other two are clinging to my legs and all the while this is happening I never ones stop growling or looking not just at the two girls who would dare try and take of the boys away but also at the rest of the pack.

            A man radiating power walks into the room and stops and just like everyone else stares at pups in my hand and grabbing my legs. He just looks at them with the same look as everyone else but his has determination, something the rest of the pack didn’t have. And that alone is enough to scare me.

            The two girls that tried to grab my pups look at the man and then smirk at me thinking this would be enough for them to be able to get the pups away from me. If that’s what they thought then they had another thing coming!

            “Who are you?” is asked in a very loud and somewhat excited voice coming from the powerful man who I’m guessing is the alpha of this pack. Just like with his beta I just stare at him as if I don’t understand what he is saying.

            “Oh forgive us you must be tired from you long journey Lulu, Marge show our guests to their rooms.”

            “We are just passing through, we don’t need a room, we just need to be on our way”

            “None sense you guys must be tired after your long journey from . . . . well it doesn’t matter where your from the important part is you got here in one piece. Now you should get some rest and we will talk some more when you are properly rested.”

            Is this guy crazy, I don’t want to rest I want to get my pups as far away from this loons as possible. Seeing as I am outnumbered I bid my time waiting for the perfect moment to make a run for it. As I walk past a room I hear bits of the conversation, “can you believe it, she has four pups and here we are no being able to have even one. I can’t wait till the alpha lets us near them . . . never leaving.”

            What do they mean they can’t have any, more importantly what do they mean never leaving?

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