chapter 3

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Dedicated to Cindylouy for being my first fan. You let me know that someone is reading what I am writing, and you inspired me to keep writing this story.

Chapter 3

As we where shown to the guest room my mind was racing a mile a minute trying to think of a way out of this nut house. Four pups instantly let go of me and ran to the bed to jump on it "Manuel, Michael, Sissy, and Brandon be careful." They laugh as they jump up and down on the bed. The door opens and in an instant all four pups run and hide behind me, while I growl at the intruder. Lulu and Marge instantly cringe back while their eyes follow the pup's movements.

"We were wondering if you wanted us to watch the little ones while you took a nap." I just look at them with anger in my eyes not believing that they would have the nerve to ask this, especially after the way I reacted to them in the hall and just now as well. They both had identical smirks on their face as well as some fear in their eyes. They were looking at me like I should just hand over my little ones to them and not ask any questions.

"If you lay even one hand on any of my pups you will lose that appendage!" I growled at them. They cringed in fear at the anger and power in my voice. As they still stood there I advanced to them smirking in satisfaction when I saw they back up in fear of me. "We are going to take a nap now, do not think for even a moment, that just because I am asleep I will not know if you set foot in this room. And who know if I am asleep and you try and come and take one away, you might not make it out of this room alive."

The fear in their eyes let me know that they would do as I said and leave us alone until our nap was over. Jackson the oldest at nine mind linked me complaining "but I don't wanna take a nap. I'm too old to need to take a nap Selen." I look at him with a fond smile "we are not going to be taking a nap; we are going to leave this wretched place. I just didn't want them to come into the room and find us gone before we had time to really run away." I can see the comprehension come into his eye and he turns and starts telling the little ones that they are going to play a game through the mind link.

As he was explaining the game to them I looked around trying to think of the best possible plan to get us out of here. I looked and decided that the window would be our best option. Outside I could see quite a commotion going on as more and more people where making their way to the pack hours. If this people had heard about my pups then they where here to see them and if they behaved in the same way as the other pack members had, then this would work in our favor. As they would all be inside talking to the alpha and not paying attention to us as we ran away, again.

I was really hoping this would be the last time we had to run away from a pack as it was starting to become sad. As Jackson finished explaining the rules I looked at all five of them and wondered what this was doing to their poor childhood. At a range between 2 and 9 years old this cannot be good for them, but then again it can be good to see your supposed parents beat your sisters just because they are girls. Although I am grateful they had not started hitting Sissy yet, just me.

"You guys I am going to jump out the window and when I say it is ok one by one you are going to jump into my waiting hands, okay?" They look at each other before they get excited. "We get to jump out a window again" they all ask. All but Jackson are excited about this. "Yes we are and just like last time I need you to be a quiet as you can, we can't let the adults know what we are doing or the game will be over" you hear Jackson telling the others.

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