Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

As we awoke I could hear someone talking outside the door. “Do you thing I would be rude of us to wake them up now or wait some more?” another voice said “well they have been asleep since yesterday afternoon so maybe their hungry, but we did say no one would bother them until they were ready to come out,” the first voice again “well what if we just leave food that doesn’t need to be eaten hot just inside their door, so that way they can find it and we wont really have bothered them. What ya think of that?”  Second voice finishes with “yea! Let’s do that, come on lets go get some food for them. You know their gona wake up starving.”

As I hear them walk away I can’t help but laugh at the difference between this pack and the pack we left and even the pack we meet briefly. This pack seems to really care about our comfort and about what we think of them. If we stay here I hope they don’t end up changing. As I’m thinking this I can feel the pups start to move around as their slowly waking up.

“What’s for breakfast” Manuel asks me?

“I’m not sure yet, lets change and go find out” I tell them. This was the day that would change our lives for the better.

*One month later*

It had been a month since we had come to stay with the Dark Shadow pack, and in that month we had come to see that this pack was extremely different form our old pack. They treated everyone with respect and love something we were missing back then. In this pack everyone had a job even the alpha worked right alongside his pack members. Every week their jobs rotated so that everyone got to experience new tasks.

In the month that we had been here me and the pups had grown to love living here, we still shared a room but that had more to do with the fact that that’s how we had always had it than any actual fear of the pack.

On this wonderful day the pups and I were talking about joining the Dark Shadow pack permanently but before we did that we were decided if it was time to tell the alpha, beta and omega about our gifts. “So do we tell them or keep it a secret longer” I asked the pups. “In the time we have been here, they have treated us with nothing but respect and dignity. Not once have they ever races a hand to us in anger or frustration.” Jackson told us.  “Yea, they have never once looked down on us or looked at us like we don’t belong.” Manuel added “they treat us just like children, and they don’t get mad if we break something on accident, or even if we do it on purpose when we fight. Michael concluded. “I see good things” sissy told us and Brandon smiled at us.

“I say we tell them” Jackson finally voiced what we were all thinking, “I second that” Manuel said. “All in favor raise your hand” I asked and every single one of the pups did so. “We have decided then, we will tell them tonight before we formally ask to join their pack” I say before we all start heeding downstairs in search of food.

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