Sparks Fly

288 17 2

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The familiar beeping sound of a hospital room filled Sherlock's ears as he awoke.

As his eyes began to open, blurry shapes appeared around him.



"Sherlock can you hear me? You're waking up."


"Sherlock? What are you saying?"

"What room...Am I in..."

"Sherlock you're in shock."

"What room?"


He looked to his right, where room 302 should be, but there was a curtain blocking his view.

"Can...Can you move tha..."

"Get him some water, and fetch Dr. King. Tell him Sherlock Holmes has awoken."

The nurse who spoke then turned to Sherlock, continuing to bring him to consciousness.

"Do you know why you're here?"

"Can you..."

"Sherlock, you shot yourself. Are you aware of that?"

"Yes...Bu...But can you move..."

"We're going to get you some water, and Dr. King will explain to you what's happening next."

"Can you move...The curtain..."

"Okay Sherlock? Do you think you can drink some water?"

"Oh for God's sake... Move the bloody curtain!"

Sherlock jerked his hand toward the curtain which blocked his view to room 302. Yelling hurt immensely, but he hardly noticed.

"Oh...Whatever for?" The nurse said as she reached for the blue hospital curtain.

"I need to see...Into room...302."

"Why?" She slowly pulled back the curtain.

Sherlock leaned as close as he could.


Room 302 had been emptied and cleaned out.



"No! Where is he?!"

"Who, Sherlock--?"

"John Holmes! Where did he go?!"

"John...Holmes...Uhh...Oh, yes! He's gone."


Time stilled. Had she just said...That John Holmes was...Gone?

But that's not possible! Sherlock had seen him wake up, watched him come back to consciousness!


"Yes, gone. He woke up from his coma."

"So, what? He woke up! He woke bloody up! How in...How did he..."

"He woke up when you shot yourself, Sherlock."

"Yes I know that! But then what how is he gone?! What happened!"

"He...He left. I don't know he..."


Sherlock dropped his head in his pillow, covering his eyes. No. How could he have been so stupid? Of course Jim would take him. Kill him.

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