Chapter 1

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A/n: I will use slurs and cussing! I don't approve of these, but for the sake of the story!
Lance's P.O.V
It was the end of the school day, and I was heading to go hang out with Hunk and Pidge.
As I made my way down the hallway, two upper class men stood in front of me.
"Hey, Fag. Where are you going?" One of them snickered.
I kept my head down and pushed past them, continuing walking.
"Don't ignore me!"
He pushed me down, and I fell onto my knees. I picked myself up as they laughed at me.
They walked away, and I continued my way to Hunk's house.
When I arrived, I didn't bother knocking on the door, since I knew I was welcomed.
"Lance! It's so good to see you! Hunk and Pidge are upstairs." She gave me a quick hug before going back to cooking.
I walked upstairs, heading into Hunk's bedroom.
"Hey guys." I gave a goofy smile.
"Hey, Lance! We're in the middle of the game, but when one of us dies we'll give it to you."
Pidge said, not taking her eyes off the screen.
I chuckled and sat behind them, watching.
I rolled up my sleeves of my school shirt, revealing smooth, tan arms.
I pulled out my sketch pad and wrote things down. Don't get me wrong, I love to draw, but I'm not too particularly good at it, so I don't draw in public.
When they finally died, I shook my head to the controller Hunk tried handing me.
"Okay, so, I was thinking we should get group jackets or something cool!" I stated.
Hunk's eyes lit up.
"Omg, Lance! That'd be perfect, but how are we gonna get them?" He stated.
"Well, I'll sew them! I'm really good with sewing. Just help me come up with a design."
I looked at Pidge, because she always was designing things for robots and stuff, so how much different could a jacket be?
"Okay, Lance. I'll help you, but you better make them at the exact measurements." Pidge smiled.
I agreed, and we started making the design.
Once we were finished, I grabbed my book bag and headed out, waving goody bye to Hunk and Pidge.
I waked towards my house, where the smell of fresh tortillas could be smelled. I quickened my pace, excited for dinner.
On my way to home, I saw a moving truck a few houses away from mine.
Someone must be moving in!
I took a moment to study the house before returning to my brisk walk home.
I opened the door, and walked inside before slamming it shut.
"Hey, Mom! Bring my food up to the sewing room, please and thank you!" I shouted.
I ran up the stairs, throwing my book bag into my room before running to the sewing room.
Inside was quiet and cold, the smell of new and old fabrics mixed. I relaxed, the overall effect of the room calming me.
I sat down at the machine that stood in the middle of the room, running my fingers along the cold surface.
I gathered the fabrics I needed and set to work, only stopping to thank my mother for bringing my food up.
It was early, about 4 A.M. I was finishing my jacket, when my alarm for school went off.
Shit, time to "wake up" already?
I sighed, but smiled, proud of the work I had done.
I had finished Hunk, Pidge, Mine, and Allura's jacket. They looked like athletic jackets, with a silky material being the whole jacket, with the Voltron "logo" on the back. There were stripes of color on the collars and the sleeves were solid colors, only turning white with two stripes at the cuffs.
They were similar, but had different colors. Pidge was green, Hunk was yellow, Allura was pink/purple, and I was blue.
I ran to the bathroom, quickly showering and dressing. I put on some concealer on my dark bags from lack of sleep. I grabbed my bag and the jackets and ran out the door, skipping breakfast.
I met up with Hunk and handed him his jacket, he put it on immediately and admired my work. We joke around till we reached the school, where I gave Pidge and Allura's theirs.
After that, we split so that way I didn't cause too much attention to them.
I didn't want them to get bullied because they hung out with me.
I was about to hurry and go to my locker when the principal stopped me.
"Lance, can you show the new student, Keith, around? We'll give you a tardy slip."
"Oh, uh, sure!"
This boy was going to be trouble. His eyes were fierce and demanding, and the shade of purple they had been painted was that of amethyst. His dark hair complimented his pale skin, and his slender but fit physique was attractive.
Stop it, Lance! He's probably straight! Not to mention, you just met him.
"Follow me, Keith." I spoke.
He followed behind me quietly as I talked about the school. When I was finished, I excused myself to my other class.
The only thing I was worried about was that he was staring at me. I hurried off to my class.
Keith's P.O.V
The boy that showed me around seemed nervous.
He had eyes the color of a sapphire, and his skin just brought them out more. His chocolate brown hair went well with his complexion, and his height was cute.
I was about a head taller, so I kinda towered over him. I wonder if I could sit with him at his table... and if Shiro could join.

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