Chapter 2

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Lance's P.O.V
I was in first hour when the teasing had already started.
A group of people were throwing wadded balls of paper at me. I didn't bother reading them because I was sick of reading slurs directed towards me.
That's when Keith entered the classroom. The teacher stopped to introduce him. He sat on the other side of the classroom.
I was scared but a bit excited at the same time, since I didn't know his type of personality yet.
The kids didn't give up on their teasing. But, as I ignored it they got more and more angry.
They got so angry that one of the kids grabbed me by my hair and whipped my head back.
I yelped in pain as my neck was forced into an uncomfortable position.
"You're worthless, faggot. Just kill your self."
Keith's P.O.V
I was literally seeing Lance getting bullied right in front of me, and the teacher was doing jack shit about it. I guess the classroom was too busy, with kids bustling around, or he didn't care.
I stood up and walked over to Lance's seat. They looked up, but didn't let go of his hair.
"Let go." I spoke in my serious voice.
The kid cowered in fear, retracting his disgusting hand from Lance.
Lance immediately snapped his head forward, rubbing his neck. He looked at me with curiosity and fear in his eyes.
Did...did he think I was going to hurt him?
That must mean this was a common occurrence. That pissed me off.
"Come on, Lance."
I picked up his stuff, and walked back to my seat. He followed sheepishly behind me, waiting to see what I was doing.
I pushed someone else's stuff off their desk. They turned around to protest, but before they could start I spoke.
"That's his desk now. Go somewhere else."
The girl moved out of her seat, and Lance sat down.
Finally, he spoke.
"Thanks, Keith. How did you know my name?"
"The principal said it earlier."
He nodded, and pulled out his notebook, taking notes in the class.
When the bell rung, I checked our schedules.
Shit, we don't have the next class together. Or the next. But we have the rest together, so I guess that's okay.
Lance's P.O.V
I was in awe that Keith stood up for me. I honestly was expecting him to join in.
After the bell rung, he checked our schedules. He looked somewhat disappointed to see we didn't have the next to classes together, but I brushed it off as him needing someone till he could find someone better.
I headed to my next class, where none of my friends were in it. The period passed, and only little things happened. Like bumping into my stuff on purpose.
But, hey, I mean that's better than 1st hour.
3rd hour arrived, and it was time for my lunch shift. I made my way to Voltron's usual table, waiting for Hunk, Pidge, and Allura to sit here.
I was more than surprised when I saw Keith standing in front of me.
"Mind if me and my brother Shiro sit here?"
"I don't mind, but, are you sure you want to..."
"Want to what?"
"Sit with me. I mean, I don't want to cause you trouble."
He shook his head and sat down, his tray clattering against the table.
He picked up his spoon and started eating the disgusting low-grade food.
"How come you aren't eating?" He questioned.
That was a good question, one I didn't bother asking myself.
"Well, I don't really like eating at lunch, and the food is crappy."
At that moment, an older looking boy came up to our table and sat down, ignoring me and talking to Keith.
"So, Keith, how's school been?" The mysterious man asked.
"It's been going good. By the way, this is Lance. Lance this is my brother Shiro."
Both of them looked intimidating, but unlike Keith's, Shiro's eyes weren't fierce, but rather comforting.
Shiro rubbed the back of his neck and apologized, saying that he thought Keith picked out a random seat.
Hunk, Pidge, and Allura showed up at the same time, with various food items.
I saw they were all wearing their jackets, which made me happy. Keith tapped my hand and I looked over.
"What's up with the jackets?" He asked.
"Oh, well we're a group, so I made us jackets."
"Wait, you made those?"
"Yeah, I can make you and Shiro one of you want. I understand if you think they're tacky though."
I wrung my hands together, anticipating his response.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
Keith's P.O.V
Lance offered to make me a jacket, and I took up the opportunity of having Lance make me something.
"Hey Lance, wanna hang out after school?"
I was being bold, but played it off as it was nothing.
"Sure! You can come over to my house while I make the jackets. Uhm, if you want, that is."
He always seemed to doubt himself. I found that weird.
"Sounds good."
I went back to eating my food as Lance quietly conversed with the others.
Time skip
All the other classes went smoothly, with Lance only getting bullied a little. I sat next to him, and as soon as it happened I put a quick end to it.
I was now walking home with him, listening to his chatter. He had that kind of voice you could listen to forever, no matter what he was talking about.
He could talk about Morgan Freeman plotting my death and I'd ask him to tell me more about it.
We finally arrived at his house, and he led me inside. He yelled a hello to his mom before heading upstairs. I followed him.
"You can throw your stuff into my room, if you want." He said, kicking off his shoes and throwing his bag into his bed. I did the same, and then followed him to the next room over.

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