Im Not The Only One Who Moved

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^^^^^^Antonio Diaz played by Maleek Khalid Samadi^^^^^^^^^^

The first day of school was...okay, I guess. Probably because nobody was there but hey, I got to know the teachers and no homework? Heck yeah!

"Daisy hurry up you're so slow. My god."

"Shut up Aloneio."

"Hey I told you not to call me that!"

"I told you not to call me Daisy. I also told you not to rush me loser."

"But there's a difference. I'm older."

"Ok so if you keep calling me Daisy, I'm getting a boyfriend 'older brother'."

"Yeah, yeah whatever just hurry up."

"Yeah, yeah whatever just shut up."

So that ladies and gentlemen is what happens in the morning in the Diaz household.

Once I finish doing my morning routine, I get dressed into a gray and white striped crop top with tight white pants, white sneakers, and a brown cardigan.

^^Outfit Above^^

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^^Outfit Above^^

Once I'm finished getting ready for school, I grab my phone and run downstairs. I grab my backpack and an apple and run to my brothers car.

"Bye Mami!"

"Bye bye mi amor!"

To my surprise, I end up walking to school because my brother left me. Wow. Looks like we're not playing the 'dating' role with him anymore.

Once I get to school, I run to my locker to get what I need for class. Surprisingly, I get there with 3 minutes to spare but run to my class because its on the other side of the building. Great.

As I'm running to class, I find my brother talking to some boys and doing the 'bro hug'. I walk over to my brother and tap his shoulder.

"Wha-Oh hey sis!" He says happily.

"Meet my frie-" I interrupt him with a slap to the face.

"DAISY! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" I slap him again.


"The first one was for leaving me. The second one was for calling me that name 'Aloneio'. Don't mess with me hun." I say and walk towards Physics class, swaying my hips like I own the school.

Once I get into class, everyone is seated but the teacher hasn't arrived yet. Once they see that it was only me that walked through the door, boys whistle, girls grunt, and nerds fall on the floor. I'm confused.

Once I sit down in an empty desk and settle myself, I get tapped on the shoulder.

"Yes?" I ask not intending to give attitude.

"I'm-DESTINY?" She screams




As you could probably tell, we know each other. In my last school, instead of doing some AP classes I was on the dance team for extra credit. My backup dancers and best friends we're Lauren Santiago and Brooklyn McAllister. I also had a dance partner for ballroom dance whose name was Theo Miller. Theo was a popular kid, but not exactly a jock. Anyways Lauren and I know each other.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her excitedly.

"You didn't hear? The town was raided and the school was burnt down. Remember that gang that was always there? Yeah they raided. So everyone was forced to move. Since we needed to turn in our phones, those we're burnt. Our computers were broken. I couldn't text you or email you or nothing! I don't know where Brooklyn went though and I'm kind of nervous." She says. She immediately put a frown on her face and masked it with a smile.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Ren. I know how much you loved that town." I say

"It's okay."

Once we finish first, second, third, and fourth period, we head to lunch. As I walk in I see Ren on line so I sneak up behind her.


"AHHHHHHH OHMYGODDESTINYIAMSOGOINGTOKILLYOU!" Okay then. That made me and the whole cafeteria burst out in laughter and she blushes thanks to  embarrassment and I feel bad.


"YOU WERE JUST TALKING TO US THOUGH." Someone said from the crowd

"WHO THE HECK JUST SAID THAT?" I asked and everyone pointed to this one guy.

The bad boy.



Ooh scary. What do you think Destiny is going to do?

Please remember to vote and comment some ideas because I'm figuring this out as I go. Sorry for late updates but I'm going to try and update every Sunday.

I'm holding a cover contest so this cover is temporary. Send me some covers to my email- - and your cover might win. Even if you don't win, when this story finishes I will give you a shoutout and post your cover.

Im still thinking of characters. Who should play Lauren? Helpppppp.

Lots of love,


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