The Bad Boys

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Lauren Santiago played by Madison Lewis



"YOU WERE JUST TALKING TO US THOUGH." Someone said from the crowd

"WHO THE HECK JUST SAID THAT?" I asked and everyone pointed to this one guy.

The bad boy

End Of Recap

Jaxon Parker. The bad boy. He's known for his player ways. I know that name is really cliché but he is cliché. His bad boy ways. Coming into class late, breaking rules, and staying out late. He wouldnt have the complete image of a bad boy without is 2 friends though.

Ian Muller. One of the two of his best friends. He isn't as close to Jaxon as Jaxon is with the other friend, but they are still like brothers. They are always together and they trust one another. Ian is just like Jaxon and is a player. He doesn't go up to girls, he lets them go to him. If they want sex, he gives it to them. If they don't and they just want to talk, he talks to them. He has a soft spot for females.

Last but not least, Noah McKnight. Noah is Jaxons bestest friend and has known him since diapers. He is the goofy one in the group. He isnt as much as a player as the other 2 but I've still heard that he slept with a BUNCH of people. He is the nicest and more outgoing of the group.

Realizing that the bad boy CANNOT win this fight, I slowly start to walk over to him and stop right in front of his face.

"I used past tense honey. I said, and I quote, 'Nobody was talking to you'. So why don't you, like I said, mind your own dang buisness." I say seductively and wink as I walk away, leaving him stunned and his friends laughing at his confused expression.

As I walked away I heard him say "She is going to pay!" Oh no.

Lauren and I FINALLY got our lunch and sat down in an empty table. That's when I feel a tap on my shoulder and Lauren's face goes pale. I turn around and see.....oh my lord.

Noah McKnight.

"What the heck do you want?" I ask getting straight to the point.

"No hello? You hurt my feelings." I hear someone say from behind Noah.


"I don't give a doggy dung about your feelings. Why are you disturbing the best period of class with your nonsense. Its bad enough that you're in the same room!"

"Well, if you didn't go out on me like that, I would've said 'good job' but like you are being rude to my best friend and I, I most definetley will not!" He sounds trying to act smart.

"Ok if you're not going to say anything, leave." Hah Destiny you're good.

"I want to hear what your friend has to say" he says, putting emphasis on the word 'friend'.

"I-I-L-G-H" who knew Lauren stuttered?

"She can't talk. Now be gone!" I say with a wink.

"Ok ok. Call me." He returns the wink and walks away.

"No thanks she male." I say back

That ladies and gentlemen is my life.


How do you like it do farr? Remember to vote! I'm sorry but I had this chapter ready just forgot to post. make sure to COMMENTT

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