Chapter 5 - Happy Father's Day

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Unfortunately, I arrived at my school quite late. I raced towards my classroom as fast as I can. When I arrived, everyone were staring at me. "Miss Efron. Why are you late?" Our science teacher explained to us. "I woke up late." I lied. Actually it's just that I don't know how to explain why I was late.

"Fine. Sit down." She told me and I nodded. As usual, I'm sitting beside Alex.

As I was walking towards my seat, Julian puts his foot in front so I can slip and he's successful. I fall down to the floor and everyone started laughing, including our teacher. All the bullying that I experienced in London started replaying in my mind. I wanted to cry but I can't. I can't let them see me fail.

Nicole ran towards me and helps me get up. "Are you okay?" She asks. "Kind of." She extends her arm and I grabbed it and I get up.

I took a deep breath, "Don't mind them. Besides, your dad is Zac Efron." She smiles and I smiled back. I continued to walk towards Alex and sat down beside him, not minding to look at him in the eye. "Are you okay?" He whispered at me. "What do you think?"

"Oh." He nods.

I tried to listen to the teacher but what happened continued to hunt me. The way everyone laughed makes me want to cry but I still managed to hold it back.

"Valerie?" Alex asks me again. "I'm fine okay?"

"No...I could see tears in your eyes." He points at a tear which slowly drops on my face. "Here." He takes out a box of tissue and got one. Then he started wiping the tissue around my face. Why would a guy keep a tissue in his backpack?

"You okay now?"

"Thanks." I smiled and he smiled back as he puts the tissue box back in his backpack. Our eyes met for a minute and I knew that something's coming up. "So...are you really going on a date this Saturday?" He asks.

I thought for a while, "Yeah."

"That was not a convincing yes." He gave a small laugh. "My dad's not satisfied with it."

"Really? Okay then...we'll just postpone it." He nods. "'s okay. I'm sure he will understand anyways."

"Are you sure? Because what if we'll end up with your dad killing us." He looks at me and I looked at him back with pitiful eyes. "Are you sure it's okay for you?"

"Yeah it's fine." He smiles and I smiled back. "Why are you so nice to me?" I ask him and I mean it. "It's because that's how guys are suppose to treat girls." Wow I'm impressed.

"Thanks. You're so much better than Dan."

He looks at me confused, "Who's Dan?"

"Uhh....miss Efron and mister Fulton. What are you talking about?" Our teacher glared at us. I looked at Alex, who's shaking, and I stood up.

"Nothing miss." I lied and she raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure with that stiff?" Then everyone started laughing except for Nicole, of course.

"I bet I'm not the only who's a stiff." Then everyone looks at me and I could see the madness in our teacher's eyes. "Excuse me? What did you just called me?" She glares at me.

"You know you're suppose to be discussing science. Then why are you glaring at me as if what we did was serious. Maybe it's because you hate someone commenting on what they thought of you. Therefore, you're a stiff." I replied back and everyone's jaw hung open before laughs erupted.

I never thought I was that brave. I did not feel scared at all. This will probably the first I criticized a teacher.

Then the bell rang and everyone stood up and started moving to their next schedule. Alex and I walked out of the classroom together, not minding to look at our teacher.

"That was so brave for you to do that." Alex smiled. "Gee thanks. What's your next subject?" I ask him. "Physics. You?"


"Hey guys. Mind if I join in?" Nicole came with a smile. "By the way, I never thought you would do that." Nicole winks at me and I laughed.

"Me neither."


Nicole already went. Meanwhile, Alex and I were still at school. We were chatting about random stuffs. But not until when my dad came.

Alex and I immediately stopped what were doing.

"Hey dad." I smiled at him. He looks at Alex and glared at him before looking at me. " Meet Alex." I points at Alex and he gave my dad a faint smile.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Efron." Alex smiled before walking away. Once he was gone, I couldn't help but glare at my dad.

"Can you be please be nice to the guy?"

He evil laughed, "What's our deal?"

"Dad, we're not dating!"

"I know."

"So? If you know, then why are you forbidding me to have a meet up with him." I glared at him before walking towards the car leaving him behind.

I still managed not to cry.

While on our way to our house, my dad and I didn't even bothered to look at each other.

Upon arriving at our house, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the car.

"Hey. How was school?" My mom smiled and I shrugged. I simply walked by past her not even minding to answer her question.

I went to my room and made sure that the door's lock.

This day's been the worst. LIKE REALLY.

Then I heard a knock. "Go away!!"

"It's Twoy." The Rs.

I got up and opened the door. My little brother stands there looking at me. I swear he's cute.


"Are you okay?" He just said it perfectly.

"Yeah I'm fine. Where's Nico?" He points at Nico, who was sleeping in the couch.

"Can I go in?"


Then I remembered dad. "Troy, stay here." I told him and he nodded. I closed the door and walked towards mom and dad's bedroom. I opened it and there he was, reading a magazine.

I took a deep breath. "Hey dad." He looks at me and he raised an eyebrow.

"I just wanted to say that uhh....Happy Father's day." I smiled at him before closing the door.

Then the door opened and I turn around and seen my dad smiling at me.

"Thanks baby." He smiled and I smiled back.

A/N: Hi!! Just got home from a very long procession. But anyways, I would still update for you lil munchkins. :)

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