Little Mishap

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Harry tries to hide his tears and the growing stain spreading across the front of his pants. He had wet himself again and Aunt Petunia would not be pleased. But He couldn't clean up the mess as his cupboard was locked.
Just five more days. I leave for Hogwarts in five days. 3rd year starts in five days.
This was ​the mantra that played on repeat onside Harry's mind reminding him of the little time
he has left with his relatives
He started to quietly sob as he realized how much a freak he was.
"What is that horrible smell?!"
Aunt Petunia was very mad. Harry curled up as far into the corner of his cupboard as possible​. Fear courses through Harry's veins as realization hit.
She's going to tell Uncle Vernon.
At that moment the front door opens up to reveal the walrus of a man. Aunty Petunia is quick to grab his coat and ask him about his day but even quicker to tell his what Harry had done in his cupboard.
"WHAT!" he roars just before the cupboard is wrenched open so violently that Harry's surprised it didn't rip off its hinges.
"NO! Please! I'm sorry! I'll be good!" the small boy tries to plea as his arm is grabbed with a bruising grip.
"You will learn to not be a freak even if I have to beat you everyday for the rest of your pathetic life Boy."
Harry had never been beaten so severely by his relatives.
It started off with Uncle Vernon getting Dudley from his bedroom to witness his shame while
ordering his wife to grab one of the ​baby toys​.
It wasn't until everyone was inplace, surrounding Harry, and all ready verbally abusing him did
the whip in Vernon's hand come down across Harry's back.
"Ahh!" He couldn't help the small scream at the sudden blinding pain, although that proved to be a mistake as a foot quickly planted itself inside Harry's ribcage.
This torture lasted for hours ranging from punches and kicks to whips and knives.
"What are you, Boy?" Vernon smirkes at the boy.
"A freak, sir." The response was automatic, the boy trying to remain as calm as possible.
That is until the rest of his clothing is ripped off and crippling pain explodes in his backside. This had happened before both with his uncle and roommates in school but it never seemed to hurt any less. Unlike whippings and punching where he could tune out the feeling and mean words this seeming to hurt from the inside out.
Soon he was thrown into the cupboard and locked into the pitch black, only seeing the light when he's being beaten. He knew he was different, a freak even in the wizarding world. He curled up on his small cot, an old baby blanket clutched to his chest and his thumb in his mouth. He was always doing things that younger kids would do.
He wished, not for the first time, that he had listened to the sorting hat and ended up in Slytherin. They seemed like the people to take care of each other. Slytherin was also the smallest house. Maybe if he had been in Slytherin than someone would hold him when he was scared, help him when he was not acting like a thirteen year old, and protect him from the bullies of the other three houses. Not one Slytherin ever bullied him, only annoyed him in a way that made him feel wanted. Maybe he could be resorted. It would be better than being used in every way possible, from money to body, by the other students in Gryffindor. He silently cried about it, sucking on his thumb and rocking himself back and forth to comfort himself.
He fell into a fitful sleep only caused by crying and being emotionally exhausted and troubled. His last wish was for someone to come protect him and let him be himself.
For the last two years, the Slytherins had kept an eye on Harry Potter and protected the little as much as possible. They told their head of house of the suspected abuse from relatives and house mates alike. Severus agreed with them, healing the boy's wounds when the child slept. All of Slytherin House, alumni and present students, kept an eye and ear out for the abused and scared little. Even Tom, having retrieved his horcruxes and putting his soul back together and his sanity returned, was concerned for Potter.
Lucius and Severus were frantically looking for the boy, Cissy helping. Bellatrix had created a nursery for the boy, her sanity returning slowly but surely. It was Tom who had learned of Dumbledore's lies and manipulations of the boy, including his sorting. As Tom was the head of the family due to adopting Severus years ago and the marriage between Severus, Lucius, and Cissy, he was able to access the boy's accounts and unseal the wills. He had brought the inner circle with him, hoping to at least figure everything out and not have to repeat it multiple times. Lord Slytherin was seething as he read of what Dumbledore had taken from the boy. Lucius took care of the financial side, aided by those who were also skilled in that area. Cissy, Bella, and a few others started to sort out and correct the political and social issues from the Headmaster's meddling. That left Tom and Severus to read the wills, look at the self updating health scroll of the boy, and make sure the wills were followed out. Severus paled as he continued to read the health scroll.
"Father, we need to find Harry. He was meant to go to me, not to Petunia. He needs immediate medical attention at the manor and for someone to explain to him his classification as a Little." Lucius wrapped his arms around his distressed mate, Cissy following suite.
"I know, my beloved son. First we have to find a way to get him." Tom looked hopeless. Lucius smirked suddenly.
"I own a majority stock in the company Harry's uncle works. My bond mate and I will pay the Dursley residence a visit and retrieve the boy. Could you get guardianship papers ready by tomorrow night?" Lucius received a nod from Tom before he left to call the firm.
Tom managed to change his name to Thomas Silas Slytherin, Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin. His appearance was regal and he made for a very good image of a young grandfather, speckles of grey in his hair. He wrote a long letter to Dumbledore concerning his grandson's sorting, or resorting as the letter stated. The letter was filled with thinly veiled accusations and threats if the headmaster didn't allow the resort of his youngest grandson named Harrison Severus Malfoy-Prince. Tom laughed as the owl was sent. Now it was up to his sons' and daughter in law to complete their part of the plan.

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