Wake Up Call

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AN: Different tenses but amazing. Will fix later. 

Time skip to the next morning

Harry's POV

Harry's first coherent thought he had as he slowly gained consciousness was warm.

'That's weird, I'm never warm.' Snuggling deeper into the fluffy blankets his eyes snap open in panic.

"NoNoNoNoNo! Where am I? What happened?"

Looking around the unfamiliar room just as the past days events flash across the teen's mind. Da- Snape, Lucius, and Lady Malfoy took him from his relatives and even got him re-sorted into Slytherin. Nothing could be worst. Harry's mind ran rapid. Snape hates me and Lucius tried to kill me once, so why would they take me and why were they so nice. Probable to lure me into a false sense of security so they can destroy me later.

Just as the thought finishes Harry hears footsteps coming from down the hall. In a split second decision the small child jump out of bed, barely registering the lack of constant pain that comes with his level of abuse, and grab the rattle lying on the floor. Moving to stand by the door the plan is to get the drop on whoever is coming.

Just as I get into position the door opens to reveal none other then Lord Malfoy. Before he can even take another step into the room Harry bring the rattle down as hard as he can on the back of his head before scrambling out of the room, quickly learning that he must be in Malfoy manor judging by the lavish decor and many hallways he's been running down. Taking one final right turn Harry slams right into a hard chest. Looking up his eyes made connect with painfully familiar black eyes. The only odd thing is the slight smile on his face.

"And where are you off to in such a hurry?"

As he reaches down to pick the lost child up Harry panics and kicks him right in the knee making him recoil enough for him to somewhat regain his footing and rush the opposite way. Hearing footsteps rushing behind him he quickly dive into a small hole next to a shiny suit of armor, crawling deep inside.

To the boy's utter embarrassment he feels tears gather in his eyes as multiple feet stop just outside my hiding place.

"...hid in there."


"Poor baby..."

"... hell of an an arm."

Harry only catch bits of the conversation but enough to realise that Professor Snape, Lord Malfoy, and Lady Malfoy were all present as small whimpers made their way up and out of his throat.

"Harry, sweetheart," Lady Malfoy is on her knees trying to see inside the small crevice making a mental note to have it sealed the minute he came out. "Why don't you come out there."

Slowly she tries inching her hand close to pull the Little out, but is stopped by his loud exclamation of,


"It's alright baby. It can't be too comfortable in there."

"'m not Little. Do 'way." he lisp around his fingers, not realizing they were in his mouth till now, but it's soothing so they stayed put for now.

"Harry you need to come out and we can talk about this." Lucius has now replaced his wife in his fingertips not even half a foot away as he tries to reach in and grab.

"No! 'm sowwy! Go 'way! Going 'way!," tears spring into the poor boy's eyes, never having felt this scared even when Uncle Vernon was a in a foul mood after he wet myself in the cupboard.

"Harrison come out of there. I'm sure you're hungry and in need of a change."

It's an utter coincidence that at that moment his bladder decides to empty itself, but instead of the usual wet sticky feeling down the front of my pants it seems that it's only his crotch that grows warm meaning they must has put him in diapers while he was in his state of weakness.

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